Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Weekly Update

Ed and I never expected to have 3 kids so soon and we are quickly growing out of our 3 bedroom ranch. I always wanted 4 kids, but since Ed is firm on being content with our family of 5 I decided it was time to clear out all the baby clothes that is just taking up space. The kids were anything but helpful when I was sorting through their old clothes. They kept climbing in the bins and throwing the clothes everywhere:

While sorting through the clothes I came across this sweater that Wes wore for our 2014 Holiday photos and his first Thanksgiving. I instantly became overwhelmed with emotions. I showed it to Ed (and cried again), but he didn't even remember it. I decided this mini Mr. Rogers sweater meant way too much to me to sell:

We went outside super early Tuesday morning and the weather was perfect. Our neighbors are moving and the twins were fascinated with watching them load the Uhaul while Tenley did what she does best- play on the swing set. Being outside early is the only way to get in some play time outside with how hot it has been here. The heat still got to the twins because they napped for over 3 hours:

After nap time Ev showed off her strength by re-arranging the furniture. We call her Ant because she is such a peanut, but manages to moves things that are 3 times her weight:

Wednesday was a super chill day around here. The kids watched movies and read book together all day:

The kids and I did some shopping Thursday and they were so good. Tenley was all about being my big helper:

The kids watched Frozen while I got lunch together and it was as if nothing else existed:

The babes napped together and Evie's toes looked so sweet curled up:

My mom has been taking care of my great-uncle Bill for quite some time now and unfortunately he passed away Thursday afternoon. I had a odd feeling to call my mom and  she answered crying and gave me the news. I felt so awful that I couldn't be there for her. My uncle Bill was a saint to my mom and truly looked after her. I would've given anything to have been able to hug my mom and give her a kiss. Tenley was helping me cook dinner in the apron Grandma Cath got her so we sent her a picture to cheer her up since it was the best we could do:
(We love you, mom!)

Tenley's new nightgown had her feeling very confident in her singing abilities (she loves to sing) and she belted out 'Let it Go'. I especially love the end when she storms off:

We spent Friday morning outside listening to some KidzBop on my phone. Tenley was cracking me up because she was like, "I need to a-lax in the sun. Can you lay down a blanket, mommy?" I laid a blanket down for her and the demands continued... "ooooh it's too bright now. I need shades, mommy. And a popsicle!" This girl is all about relaxing in the sun. I don't know where she gets it from because I never have time to lay in the sun so I'm guessing it's from seeing people at Cowabunga Bay? The kids kept cool by eating pineapple popsicles, then cooling off in the water table and dumping bowls of water on each other. They were soaked, but had a blast:

Early baths were in order and Evie kept running away from me and looking as cute as could be, as always:

We didn't get to see much of Tenley's dance class Saturday because they went in a private room to practice so I got to focus on my cranky babes and Sailor. Turns out the twins were so cranky because they were extra sleepy...so tired that they couldn't even wait until we got home to fall asleep:

The twins napped from 10am to after 1pm! It was awesome AND they woke up in great moods. I even think Ev sprouted a ton of hair during her super long nap:

We went grocery shopping and the kids watched their latest obsession while we unloaded the groceries and cooked dinner- Winnie the Pooh:

(Seriously, this is how we found them!!)

We went to Alena's 2nd birthday party on Sunday. I just can't believe that tiny little nugget is TWO already!! The kids had so much fun playing with their best buds, while Ed and I enjoyed Karina's spread of deliciousness:

(Happy birthday, Alena!! We love you sweetie!!)

Wes decided to forgo his nap in lieu of playing peek-a-boo with mommy and racing Lightnight McQueen around the house with Daddy:

After dinner we broke out the sprinkler and let the kids cool off while Ed and I had some drinks on the patio. Tenley and Wes loved the sprinkler while Ev, our roaming gnome, just walked around and starred off into space randomly. They each had fun doing their own things, while Ed and I enjoyed kickin' back or as he calls it "being in cruise control" (which is why he's #teamnomorebabies):

Until next time! :)
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