Since the weather has been so beautiful, Eddie and I have been looking for adventurous things to do outdoors. March 15, 2010 was our seven-year anniversary and to celebrate we decided to go to the Gold Strike Hot Springs Hike. This is a hike that takes you from Boulder City to the Colorado River. We’ve heard such good things about this hike that we’ve wanted to go for quite some time. We left early in the morning and headed to Boulder City to begin our hike...

In the beginning, we thought the hike was a "piece-of-cake"
since it was all flat ground for the first two miles of the hike.

Along the way, we came across a lot of hot springs.
The water was so warm! It’s truly amazing how nature works.

The last two miles of the hike were very strenuous.
We had to climb down these ginormous boulders
that had ropes to help you get down.

Finally, we could see the Colorado River!

From the Colorado River we could see the new
Hoover Dam bridge that is still being built.
Just looking at it made my stomach turn...
That is one bridge I will NEVER drive across!

The views were so pretty!

What a great way to spend our seven-year anniversary!
Once we got to the Colorado River we sat by the water, ate some snacks and listened to music. We spent a total of five hours on the hike and got a lot of sun and a good workout. It was such a nice and relaxing day, but we were both sore for the next week. We can't wait to do it again soon!
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