Friday, October 8, 2010

Piece of Cake

Last weekend Eddie attended a job fair while I woke up early Saturday morning to do a 5k race for breast cancer with Kasie. Although my mom and dad did not have breast cancer they did win the battle with cancer so I'll do any type of race to support their cause, but for some reason this race was very emotional for me. I woke up, got ready and received messages from my family about how proud they were of me for doing the race and I just thought proud of me? I'm proud of my family of survivors. Although it was hot and the sun was beating down on me, running in the race was a piece of cake compared to what my parents went through. These cancer races are very important to me and I'm so happy I got to do another one!

Thanks for pushing me Kase! :)

On a lighter note, that afternoon we had plans to go tailgating for the UNLV vs. Reno game (even though we ALL knew who was going to win - Reno). Kasie, Bethany and I made "FUNR" shirts in hopes that we could talk smack to the UNR fans. At first I thought we were going to be rained out because it was pouring  on the way there, but the rain stayed away from the tailgate lot and let us have some fun!

The shirt came out cute, huh?!

Betho - Kase - Sav - Me - Cass

The Hubmister.

Ed playin' football with the guys.

Once we decided it was time to start the party we rounded up the troops and got everyone in on some flip cup and once again the girls dominated!

It begins with the boys having high hopes...

...but always ends in a girls victory!

Around 6:30pm the cops started kicking everyone out and telling everyone to go home. When the cop car started approaching our area Ed decided to pose with the cop car:

Apparently he's above the law.

We kept our distance.

After tailgating we went to PURE with some friends to dance and have some more fun. It's been awhile since Ed and I have gone out to a club with friends so it was fun to do some dancin' with my hubby!

The girls at Caesar's Palace.

Shots of buttery nipples - our drink of the night!

Frack - Frick

Basically, life is good! I'm very fortunate to have friends that push me to be a better person and to enjoy life. I must admit life is very challenging right now, but the people that I'm surrounded by everyday truly make it all worth while. Eddie and I have been having so much fun lately and have really been enjoying the simple pleasures in life and that is truly what it is all about!

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