We spent Christmas Eve with The Cantor's at their annual Christmas Eve party where we ate lots of food, drank and horribly sang karaoke. If you know Jeremy you know he's not one to sing karaoke, but we got him to sing all right... he sang the "Humpty Dance". Miraculously he knew ever word and therefore it was one of the highlights of my night. I believe Kasie even has it on video so now she has blackmail on him so it was an even bigger score for her.
I just love this family to pieces...
they sure know how to make a holiday special!
This year was our eighth Christmas together, but it was our first Christmas as husband and wife so I wanted to do something really special for Eddie. I went grocery shopping earlier in the week and got orange juice (his favorite), stuff to make egg soufflé and cinnamon rolls. I also bought a heart shaped cookie cutter so that I could shape everything like hearts. I put everything in brown bags and hid it in the back of the refrigerator the day before Christmas Eve so that he wouldn’t see it. It was hard to keep the secrets from him, but I managed. Since the egg soufflé had to sit in the refrigerator over night, I told Eddie he had to go in the bedroom and shut the door when we got home from the Cantor’s on Christmas Eve because I needed to make something that was a surprise for him. By the time I was done in the kitchen it was after 12:30pm! When I got into bed Eddie said, “It smells like bacon in here… can I have some bacon?” I just convinced him that he was crazy and that it was NOT bacon and he went to sleep...
I woke up around 8am to put the egg soufflé in the oven and started making the cinnamon rolls. When everything was finished I put it on a tray and carried it into our bedroom and served him breakfast in bed. This is how it turned out:
Close Up:

It turned out sooo yummy (extremely filling) and he was even surprised too! I know it's not a new car or a new game for him to play, but I could really tell that he appreciated all of my effort and that he really loved the thought I put into this. The meaning of Christmas really changed for us this year and we are just happy to have each other and appreciative that we are both healthy. This was my way of reminding him that it's the simple things in life that keep me happy... even on Christmas day! :)
When we were done eating I cleaned up and we went on Skype with my niece and nephew, Christopher and Jayla, while they opened our Christmas presents. Seeing them on Christmas was a gift all on its own. Once they opened their gifts we finally got to open the gifts under our tree from Eddie's parents and from each other.
Pearl was first, of course:
Then we got some good gifts as well:
Eddie and I decided not to splurge on each other this year so I bought him a new pair of tennis shoes (his old ones were gross and his new ones are Steelers colors... muahaha!!) and he got me two nike dri fit shirts, the movie Despicable Me and the Black Eyed Peas CD. Not to mention his parents sent us a cookbook, food processor, ornaments, etc. It was thee PERFECT Christmas!
I love your little breakfast surprise. So cute! It's funny that you say Christmas really changed for you guys this year- Grant & I were JUST talking about that! And I love that you say "it's the simple things in life". So true!