My birthday was January 5th and it was a memorable birthday filled with birthday wishes that made me feel very loved. My birthday was on a Wednesday so in celebration of my Birthday, Courtney and Isaac invited us over to their house and cooked dinner for Eddie and I. It was a really nice night and we had amazing food, as always! I can't believe next year I will have been on this earth for 25 years... kinda scary!
My friend Francesca's birthday is January 8th; which fell on a Saturday this year so we decided to celebrate her 23rd, my 24th, and Kasie's 25th - a tri-fecta birthday bash!! We all met up at YardHouse and I bought us each 'Happy Birthday' party headbands so that we could stand out.
The Birthday Girls:

My Amazing Hubby:
Throughout the night people kept asking, Frannie and I, if we were sisters so we obviously went with it and claimed to be twins! We're only separated by a year and 3 days... ;)
My other birthday girl:
Court may be born in March,
but she's still my lover from another mother:
And of course, it's not a party without mustaches:
Then we got our dance on (even Marcy joined)!
My birthday was amazing this year and I'm so glad I got to share it with such amazing people. Cheers to getting older wiser! ;)
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