Sunday, February 27, 2011

Total Accomplishment Status

You may already know that I'm addicted to spinning and that I have wanted to get my Spinning Certification for a very long time now. I procrastinated because I always felt that I needed to get in even better shape to be more prepared. Finally, I decided that if I didn't do it now I would never do it. I started researching certification programs and I decided to get certified with Spinning because they are the ones who originally created Spinning. The only down side to the company is that they don't offer orientation in Las Vegas. So Eddie and I ventured to Venica, CA so that I could go to my Spinning Orientation on February 19th. The greatest thing about being in Venice was waking up to this view:

The orientation class was from 9am to 5pm and it was pure amazeballs for the following reasons:
  1. I got to be surrounded by people who were encouraging and supportive of my future plans - it's soo nice to talk to people who share the same passions as you.
  2. I got to see the new Spinner NXT bike that hasn't even been released yet; which made me feel privelaged and part of a secret society! The new NXT is pretty awesome and the coolest feature is the the fore and aft is now adjustable - very good for roadies because it will give them the feeling of riding on their mountain bike.
  3. I was the ONLY one in the class to properly do my bike set up! It felt great that I was the only one that the instructor didn't have to correct (total accomplishment status).
  4. Last but not least, I am super proud of myself for completing the orientation. I thought it was going to be super intense and wanted to show off, but it wasn't even like that at all. You would sit on the bike and the instructor would say, "This is a correctly executed seated flat... now do a seated flat for a minute." Then you would sit there while he explained the purpose of a seated flat - it was more about proper safety and teaching things appropriately, but don't get me wrong I completely enjoyed every minute of it. My hard work paid off! (GO ME!!)
I'm so glad I stuck it out and got certified by the Spinning Program. Now I feel like I can take on anything! :)

I hope everyone has a blessed week!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Be My Valentine

Although this was our first Valentine's Day as a married couple, Eddie and I decided that we were going to stay home and relax together since we are going to Venice Beach this coming weekend. No more $200 Valentine's Day dinner for this couple! When I got home from work on Valentine's Day, I was surprised with beautiful peach roses and a lovely dinner cooked by my hubby... Eddie also got me a gushy beautiful card that I totally LOVED! And I got Ed a card noting "Our First Valentine's" and how it "Won't Be Our Last" (cheese ball status) and his favorite Little Debbie's:

I must say that I enjoyed staying home with my hubby and keeping this Valentine's Day simple. Valentine's Day is NOT about the amount of money you spend on each other or a fancy dinner, it's about the love you share and I'd say I had the best Valentines:

Even Pearl wore a bow with hearts on it:

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day with their loved ones!!

Steelers Heaven

Eddie's parents came to Vegas to visit last week and it sure was nice to spend time with family. His parents flew out of the Pittsburgh airport and since I'm a Steelers fan they bought me a bunch of Steelers stuff... Steelers paper plates and napkins, Steelers socks, and this amazing Super Bowl XLV edition Terrible Towel:

I was so surprised and in Steelers Heaven!!

Although the Steelers lost we still enjoyed watching the game and eating gross fattening foods, such as: chili con queso dip, sliders, chicken nuggets, red potatoes AND pizza. It took me a few days to snap out of my funk since the Steelers lost the Super Bowl, but it's ok... we'll win it next year!

Wednesday is our date night
so we went on a double date with Ed's parents:

First, we went to our favorite Italian restaurant - Ventano's. Ed stuck to his usual (chicken parm with penne pasta); while I ventured out and tried their grilled salmon... ummmm DELISH!! Then, we went to see 'The Dilemma'; which was a pretty funny movie. Date night with the in-laws was a success!

Then on Friday, the hubster and I got dressed up to go to another fancy-smancy-pants restaurant for dinner with the entire fam at BRIO. Eddie and I usually don't go out to eat for dinner, but it seems like when we do we only choose Italian restaurants... hmmm wonder why? :)


Ed stuck with pasta (if you haven't noticed, I'm trying to fatten him up); while I tried their grilled salmon with asparagus and fried tomatoes... it was bomba-delicious!!

I'm on some kind of salmon kick, it's soooooo yummy!!

I had such a good week with my in-laws and am truly grateful to have them in my life. We won't see them again until July, but we're working on getting them here sooner! :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Things That Make My Day...

Waking up to these two cuddle bugs:
Who wants to go to work after seeing this??

For my birthday my friend, Liz, bought me a handbag calendar.
Each day has a different handbag with a story.
It excites me - E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y!
Especially when this is the "Purse of The Day":
“Idol” metal mesh convertible tote and clutch with designer’s visage, Karl Lagerfeld, 2010

Receiving gifts from friends just
because they know green is my favorite color:
Thanks Lizzilicious - 'Going Incognito' is AWESOME!

When people I haven't seen in awhile are in town:

Happy Monday Everyone! :)

Hump Day Tradition

I've been really busy with work, my horrible luck misfortune and something that's a secret. So Eddie and I have officially started a date night - WEDNESDAY! I know it's an odd day, but what better day to be devoted to your hubby than hump day. Whether we spend the night at home cooking together and watching a movie or going out to see a movie (we love movies), we've totally been enjoying our date night. It gives us something to look forward to during the week and makes me feel "special". Here are some of the movies we've got to see on our date nights:

This HIL-AR-IOUS movie:
Now one of our favorite comedies!

This sad movie:

This decent movie:

This weird movie:
Not highly recommended, but Jude Law isn't too hard on the eyes.
I know... I should be focused on my hubby during date night, huh?!

Last Wednesday, we couldn't find anything worth renting so we decided to venture out of our cocoon. I've wanted to see 'Tron' for quite some time now, but no one I knew wanted to see it. Since we just saw 'No Strings Attached' with some friends over the weekend (hilarious BTW), Ed was finally willing to sit through 'Tron' with me since it was date night and all - what a trooper! (Now that I'm writing this I'm realizing we watch/see way too many movies, but we love it and someone has to keep Hollywood in production... right?!) The movie was actually SUPER GOOD and we both enjoyed it. If you wanted to see it, you should see it in the theatre because the 3D is a-mazing and it would not be as good without it.

I've already been a big movie fan, but I must say I really love our new hump day tradition thus far! This Wednesday, Eddie's parents will be in town so our date night will be a double date.


Thursday, February 3, 2011


So I've been MIA from the blog-o-sphere for a while, but I've had a hectic month to say the least. Not only is January the first month of the year, but it has also been a series of firsts for me as well. This month has been a roller coaster of HORRIBLE bad luck for me. I'm starting to wonder when my luck is going to turn around. In order to rid some of the stress I'm carrying on my shoulders I'm turning to the world of blogging to vent (how twentieth century of me, right?!). So here are my firsts for the months of January:

1.) First time I lost my wedding band...
On our 8 month anniversary (January 21st), Ed and I planned on watching a movie at home so I was about to wash my face so I could get all comfy and ready to cuddle... while I was taking off my wedding rings my wedding band bounced off and literally disappeared! We looked everywhere - under the sink (as if it had legs and could walk under there), in the trash can, in the toilet (as if it had arms and could open the lid to hop in), and we even took apart the sink and bath tub drains - my wedding band had DISAPPEARED! Naturally, I was hysterical the whole time and kept saying, "Why couldn't I have lost my engagement ring? It's our anniversary today; this is bad luck... I'm the worst wife." Although my engagement ring cost more money it does NOT compare to the meaning of my wedding band - it's priceless and could never be replaced. After 2 drawn out long hours of searching and crying, we gave up. Eddie went to go dump out the smelly sink water outside, while I remained inside - sobbing. I started to think **light bulb** maybe there's a ledge on the bottom of the cupboard and it bounced up there. While probing under the cupboard I noticed the bottom had an opening... apparently my ring is made of rubber because it managed to bounce off the ground and bounce off a ledge and land under the cupboard! When Ed came back inside he found me ripping apart the cupboard and thought I was nuts, but sure enough I found my ring so I'd say I'm a genius. Now, I no longer take off my rings in the bathroom and I bought this amazingly cute ring dish for our wedding rings:

Anthropologie: $10

2.) First time I got rear-ended...
After a long day of work, I'm headed home and I was getting off the freeway (stopped at a red light like a good law abiding citizen) when I was blasted from behind. It was the first time I was ever hit so I panicked and didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I was supposed to stay there (blocking traffic) or move. So I moved to a near by parking lot and called Eddie since this happened a block from my house (I know, right?). The guy who hit me, Victor, was really nice, but didn't have insurance. My bumper had some marks and my back-up sensor was broke; however his car was smashed from going underneath mine. I decided not to call the cops since he was nice and didn't have insurance anyways. We got his information because he said he would pay for the damage to my car... I just hope my headache and back aches don't last! I'm hoping that my good deed in sparing him a ticket will give me some good karma. Hopefully paying it forward actually works for us... that'll be a first!

There's even more, but I think I'm done bitching complaining about my life for now. Sometimes it is just necessary! According to the movie 'The Social Network', Mark Zuckerberg started FaceSmash or whatever as a way to vent over his break-up with his girlfriend and he's a multi-billionaire so sue me for venting on the internet too! :)

Heres to hoping I have a fanFRICKINtastic February!!
(I'm certain it's going to happen)
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