Eddie's parents came to Vegas to visit last week and it sure was nice to spend time with family. His parents flew out of the Pittsburgh airport and since I'm a Steelers fan they bought me a bunch of Steelers stuff... Steelers paper plates and napkins, Steelers socks, and this amazing Super Bowl XLV edition Terrible Towel:

I was so surprised and in Steelers Heaven!!

Although the Steelers lost we still enjoyed watching the game and eating gross fattening foods, such as: chili con queso dip, sliders, chicken nuggets, red potatoes AND pizza. It took me a few days to snap out of my funk since the Steelers lost the Super Bowl, but it's ok... we'll win it next year!
Wednesday is our date night
so we went on a double date with Ed's parents:
First, we went to our favorite Italian restaurant - Ventano's. Ed stuck to his usual (chicken parm with penne pasta); while I ventured out and tried their grilled salmon... ummmm DELISH!! Then, we went to see 'The Dilemma'; which was a pretty funny movie. Date night with the in-laws was a success!
Then on Friday, the hubster and I got dressed up to go to another fancy-smancy-pants restaurant for dinner with the entire fam at BRIO. Eddie and I usually don't go out to eat for dinner, but it seems like when we do we only choose Italian restaurants... hmmm wonder why? :)
Ed stuck with pasta (if you haven't noticed, I'm trying to fatten him up); while I tried their grilled salmon with asparagus and fried tomatoes... it was bomba-delicious!!
I'm on some kind of salmon kick, it's soooooo yummy!!
I had such a good week with my in-laws and am truly grateful to have them in my life. We won't see them again until July, but we're working on getting them here sooner! :)

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