Today I am 18 weeks and 5 days pregnant and still waiting for my "pregnant" belly to show. I'm starting to feel a bit more "motherly" and catch myself rubbing my belly and telling Pearl to get prepared for her sister to arrive. I have a hard time waiting to see her progress from ultrasound to ultrasound so I was super excited to see our specialist today. Here are some of the updates we got today:
She is indeed a girl.
Weight: 10 ounces
Measuring at: 19 weeks 4 days
Heartbeat: 133 BPM
Since all of her major organs, fingers and toes are functioning perfectly the specialist said there is no need for us to continue seeing him; which bummed me out because I really like him, but more importantly - our baby no longer needs a specialist! WOO-HOO!
Another thing the tech noted was that we had a stubborn baby girl on our hands because it took forever to get her in position to get a good facial picture. Ed says that she is "taking after" me by being stubborn, but I just think we may have interrupted her beauty rest. Speaking of beauty, look at her gorgeous little face and profile:
Now that we are no longer seeing the specialist I'm not sure when our next ultrasound will be; which totally makes me sad. This was my fifth ultrasound and I just love seeing her grow and find it absolutely amazing to witness. If I could I would buy an ultrasound machine for my bedroom and watch her all day.
The next milestone for my pregnancy will be when I'm able to feel her move. I think I may have felt her dancing to Adele last week, but I'm not quite sure if it was her moving or if I'm just jumping to conclusions. The doctor said my placenta is in front of the baby so it may take longer for me to feel her with all the layers that the movement has to go through. Hopefully I will get to "really" feel her soon.
This Thursday I will be 19 weeks and this is the size of a normal fetus at 19 weeks:
Looks like our baby girl is not average, because she's already 10 ounces. I can't believe she's almost 1 pound! Pregnancy sure does fly by...
Keep growing little one.