Eddie and I were dying to know the sex of the baby. I was convinced we were having a boy and Ed was convinced it was a girl (remember this?). So last week I scheduled us for a 4D ultrasound since they can tell you the sex of the baby as early as 15 weeks. We were so excited to finally be able to say he or she. On the way there I said to Ed, "I'm thee most unlucky person that I bet I'm wrong and it's a girl." When we got there I asked the tech what the ratio of boy to girl was for the day and she said that it was the "month of girls" and that they only had one boy that day. When we got into the room I asked her to let me know when she had a good view of the Gender because I wanted to guess. It seemed like it took the tech forever since the baby loves to cross it's legs. As soon as she said she had a good view I bursted into tears and said,
"It's a girl. Oh my God, it's a girl. Ed, we're having a girl!"
(pure disbelief)
I never thought I'd have a girl, let alone a girl my first pregnancy. I remember my mom wanting a girl so bad that she kept trying until I came along and here I get a girl on the first try. I just never thought it would be possible for me to have a daughter. So great, I'm the one carrying this sweet precious girl and thinking she was a boy while her daddy was right all along. Awesome, he's already a better parent then me. No need to worry about me though because I will love and spoil her like nobodies business.
Here are some pics of the ultrasound:
(I went a little overboard with the photos, but she's just so stinkin' cute!)

Full Body



Baby girl raisin' the womb roof!

During the ultrasound she would move her right arm up and down in front of her eyes and it looked like she was waving to us.
She loves us already. :)

Trying to hide.

Sucking on her little thumb.

Cuddling up on her mommy (my favorite photo).
The ultrasound experience was great and I was in total shock when we left. Eddie and I planned on keeping the sex of the baby a secret so that we could tell our entire family in person when we go home this summer, but that obviously didn't happen... I called my mom as soon as we got in the car to tell her how cute the baby was and she kept saying "Just tell me, please. I don't care if you tell me in person." So we called Ed's mom and she wanted to know too so I told them both at the same time. My mom was screaming so loud that I had to hand Ed's phone back to him. So all in all it was a great 5 minutes of suspense for them! I probably would've been able to keep it a secret if I wasn't so caught of guard by the sex. I still can't believe we are going to have a little girl. I am so happy that we decided to find out the sex of the baby because I feel so much more bonded to my little nugget now. I would've felt horrible if for nine months I kept saying it was going to be a boy. Now I can think of how we are going to do the nursery, think of all the girly ways I can accessorize her and begin to spoil her. The spoiling didn't take long to start either... Frannie brought the baby an adorable chocolate brown and pale pink fluffy blanket and the cutest socks I’ve EVER seen:

Aren’t these just adorable??
They’re my absolute favorite thing so far.
I can’t wait to see them on her!
Then, on Sunday I was determined to surprise Ed with a cute little outfit that said something about ‘Daddy’ on it. I went everywhere and could not find anything worthy of my first “girl purchase”. Everything was like, “Daddy’s Little Princess” and I’m sorry, but I’m not into the whole princess thing. Finally, I found this super cute outfit at Macy’s:

I was so excited for Ed to get home and he loved the outfit!
I can already tell she’s going to be one spoiled little girl…
Happy Mothers Day! :)
Happy Mothers Day! :)
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