Happy 4 Month Birthday, Tenley Bear!!

Can you believe this little munch has changed so much in the past 4 months?
Tenley is growing up soooo fast! She has such a personality now and I totally love it.
She even decided to be a little ham for her 4 month photos... Just look at lil' smiley:

Can you believe this little munch has changed so much in the past 4 months?
I can't.
Tenley is growing up soooo fast! She has such a personality now and I totally love it.
She even decided to be a little ham for her 4 month photos... Just look at lil' smiley:

I can't believe how much she has changed over the past 4 months. Baby girl now weighs 17 pounds 7 ounces and is 26 inches long. She is currently in the 97th percentile range for weight and length and her head is in the 90th percentile, so she is perfectly proportioned. She is still in size 3-6 month clothes, but is now in size 4 diapers. At this rate, I'm going to have to potty train her soon because they're not going to make diapers that fit her. Her nicknames of the moment are: Tenley Bear, Munch, Smiley Miley, Chunky Monk and Monk.
What else has she been up to?
- She still gets nightly baths around 7:45, followed by bed time.
- She now sleeps in her crib that is in her nursery and she loves it!
- She wakes up 1-2 times a night to eat (usually around 4 or 6).
- She wakes up anywhere between 7 - 9... she's random.
- She typically takes 3 naps during the day and they can range from 15 minutes - 3 hours.
- She loves to stand and move her feet.
- She's super good at holding her toys and shaking her rattles.
- She uses her highchair now and likes to watch us eat dinner.
- She has discovered her feet and likes to sit up and grab her toes.
- She thinks it's fun to pull out her bink so Mommy will put it back in.
- Her gums have gotten very swollen, but the pediatrician said they're a normal "swollen".
- She has started to make motions of crawling - sticking her butt in the air and moving her legs.
- She loves to play the 'Where's Mama?' game... I hide behind her flower rattle and ask "Where's Mama?" twice, then I pop out and she's gives me a big smile. Now, any time someone says "Where's Mama" she smiles!
- On February 23rd, she made the sounds of "mama", "yeah", and "hey". (We decided not to count it until we catch it on camera, but I swear it happened!)
- She can now start eating baby food, but we have decided to not introduce it until she is 6 months old; which was also recommended by the pediatrician. So straight breast milk until then. We're looking forward to the day we can make her food though; that'll be fun!
- On February 21st, she had her first "real" belly laugh. Hearing her giggle was the cutest thing ever and it melted my heart. I will never forget this moment:
- She has also been "talking" a lot more:
Each month is full of new and exciting things. Although I wish she could stay my sweet, tiny baby forever it sure is fun to see her grow and accomplish new things. I try to observe her when she is asleep as much as I can and memorize the precious moments while she is so tiny and angelic. My favorite time of day is 4 or 6 am when it is just her and I in her nursery and I am feeding her in her rocking chair... she is cuddled in my arms with her eyes tightly shut and she folds her hands gently across her chest. It is the sweetest, most precious thing in the world. I will NEVER forget those moments with her. The one morning, she finished eating and was asleep in my arms and I just sat there and starred at her. No matter how exhausted I was I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I explained this picture to Ed the other day and while he was getting ready for work one morning I happened to be feeding Tenley and he came in the room and said, "You're right... it is precious." Then, kissed Tenley on the cheek. That is a moment I will never forget. That is a moment that makes all the hard days worth it. She is SOOOO worth it.
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