Monday, July 30, 2012


Happy 9 Month Birthday, Tenley Bear!!

Our monthly photo sessions are getting increasingly interesting... Trying to get her to sit on her rocking chair is like trying to paper train a puppy - she just doesn't want to stay on the chair! She is such a mover:

Not only is she the biggest squirmy worm, but she tries to pull off the chair cushion and crawl off:

Obvi she's not used to being told no and a tantrum ensued...
(Poor Baby)

...she recovered quickly though:

Since she wasn't allowed to dive off the chair head first, she settled for eating her sticker:

Welp! I guess the days of the monthly sticker are over. I just can't pull anything over this chick's eyes anymore - she is just too smart for me to fool!

Baby had her wellness check this week and it went perfectly (besides the fact that I didn't see her doc again). She is still 22 pounds and 29 inches long. Her height is in the 95th percentile, her weight is in the 90th percentile, and her head is in the 90th percentile as well so baby girl is perfectly proportioned. She got tested for anemia and although we haven't given her a vitamin D supplement her blood was perfect. She cried for a few minutes after her Hep B shot, but recovered quickly after some kisses from Mommy and Daddy. I'm not looking forward to her 12 month shots - MMR and chicken pox - since they are new to her system she may have a reaction like she did when she had her first round of shots, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she surprises me! 

Here's what else she's been up to this month:
  • She now has 3 choppers, with 3 more on the way!!
  • She now stands in her crib and pack-n-play.
  • Not only can she say Dada, but she now says Mama (allll the time). She randomly says very clear words as well like "Hi" and "Doggy"; which can totally be a fluke or she could totally be a genius.
  • She is getting better with sippy cups and bottles. Little miss even took a bottle from Daddy before bed time. Woo-hoo!
  • As you know from reading my blog, Tenley has loved books since she was a baby, but now they are the only thing she wants to play with. I have to take them everywhere with me because they can keep her entertained for hours. When we take her to Barnes and Noble we literally spend hours there because we'll hand her a book and she will just be fascinated by it. When I was pregnant we bought her so many books so we could read her new books all the time so it's cool to let her pick out her books now. I can't think of anything I'd rather spend money on for her. So glad she's such a little bookworm!
  • She has been able to put her bink in her mouth for awhile now, but now she takes it out and puts it in all the time. She will crawl to it and put it in her mouth when she wants it, but she still has a hard time finding it in her crib at night.
  • She can point at specific objects when asked to and is really good at pointing to her doggy.
  • She walks along the furniture and is getting really good and quick. She's getting so brave as she transfers from one piece of furniture to the other, but makes it with ease now.
  • She climbs on everythinggg... pooh chair, furniture, toys, etc. Tenley still had her bumpers in her crib because she was bumping her head on the rails and freaking out so we kept them in until we caught her using them to attempt to climb out of the crib. Needless to say, no more bumpers for that sneaky chick.
  • She started to pull herself up on the furniture last month, but now she pulls herself up on anything and everything. She pulls herself up on the walls, doors, cupboards, chairs... anything she can reach she pulls herself up on and stands next to it!
  • We have really started to experiment with solids this month... peaches, mangos, blueberries, pumpkin, apricot, broccoli, cherries, grapes, chicken, and egg yolk!
  • She is SOOOO close to standing. So, so, so CLOSE! I was eating lunch and she crawled next to me, pulled herself up, pushed off and stood for just a few teeny tiny seconds and plopped down on her doopy, but boy was I so proud of her! She's so close, I could just feel it.

Baby girl is 9 months old; which means  she will officially be a toddler in just 3 short months... yikes!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I used to have this teeny baby that would sleep all the time and now I have this crazy kid that I chase around the house and who giggles ALL the time. The only time she is chill is when I'm nursing and rocking her to sleep at night and it is what I look forward to the most. Every night I remind myself to savor those moments because she is growing up too fast and soon I won't be rocking her to sleep. She truly fills our life with joy and we are having such a blast with our chunky monk!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekly Update

So, you know how I've got a lil' bookworm on my hands?

Well, we decided to splurge and buy a few new "touch & feel" books for the lil' munch:

Go figure... she loves them!!

Little Miss Smarty Pants can even point out all the "touch & feels", flips the pages, and closes the book:

 She just amazes me with her book fascination. 

We tried broccoli again, but didn't puree it and T wasn't SO disgusted by it this time:

(She's still not sold on it though.)

She even let me give her my breast milk in her sippy cup:
(Say whatt?!?! Maybe we'll conquer the bottle before Grandma D gets here at the end of the month...)

I went spinning and when I arrived at Gold's Gym I was wondering why T-Bear was being to quiet in the back and I found her playing with her puppy book:

After the gym, we went to the splash pad with some friends and T had fun:

Then, Tenley had a play date with Little Miss Sofia. These two are crawling everywhere and chit-chatting now. They're so cute together:

Tenley stands in her crib when she's refusing to go to bed, but I giggled when I found her like this after her morning nap... it looks like she's saying, "I'm over this nap, Mommy!":

We went to town square to hang out with Chelsea and her kidlets; which is always such a blast:

Tenley had so much fun that she was beyond pooped:
(I mean she literally had poop in her pants in this pic! LOL)

Since she fell asleep in the car and I smelled poo, I woke her up to change her diaper so she would sleep better so she put up a fight to go back to sleep for her afternoon nap. Look how she ended up falling asleep in her swing:
(Silly goose...)

We took our citrus cutie to the multigen pool for a massive play date and she had so much fun:

She took modeling notes from Avery...

...and stole some cherries from Ellers. She made "sour" faces, but loved them:

Hopefully T also took notes on how well Elle was standing because she was doing SO good:

What a fun day!

Tenley read her book while crawling - such a multi-tasker:

Ate some egg yolk and totally loved it (and so did Pearl since it was everywhere):

Read her book in the car:

She had an indoor picnic with Daddy...

...and stole his blueberries:

 Our lil' mover loves her nightly bath so much that she crawls to the tub when she hears the water running:

During bath time, her favorite thing to do is to chomp on Figaro:
(Look at her hair coming in!!)

Tenley partied in her B.Y.O.B. Shirt:

She played with her diaper box:

Baby chowed down on blueberries:

We finished the week off at our favorite place - the splash pad:

What a fun/busy week with some great friends and kiddos!!

Until next time! :)
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