My momma must've known I needed a good laugh because she texted me a picture of one of my Christmas Lists and man did it have me cracking up:
(Thanks for the good laugh, mom!)
Remember how the kids got sick Sunday? Well, they definitely did NOT get any better. Poor Tenley stayed home from school because Wes napped from 7:30am - 11:30am and there was no way I was going to interrupt him because that boy desperately needed to feel better. So Tenley Played with her Bitty Baby and cooked in her kitchen with Ev while Moose snoozed the morning away:

Wes' breathing was not getting better so I brought the kids in to see their pediatrician. We were seen by the nurse practitioner; which typically would annoy me, but this time I was okay with it because I wanted a second opinion on Wes' breathing since his normal Doc kept saying it was normal "post-nasal drip". She checked out Ev first and noticed that she had a double ear infection. Then, she checked Wes and was instantly worried about his breathing being so labored. She checked his vitals and hooked him up for a breathing treatment right away. The nurse swabbed both babies for RSV and while waiting to get the results Tenley and Ev sat in the stroller, but Ev started to get antsy and wanted me to hold her. I asked Tenley very nicely to get up so I could set brother down so I could pick Evie up, but she refused. After what felt like hours minutes of her refusing, in a fit of frustration I must've mumbled, "G*d damn it!" while I picked up Ev and held both babies in my arms. (I know, I'm an awful mom.) That is when everything went downhill. Tenley started screaming, "G*d damn it!" over and over again. The nurse practitioner (who just so happens to be the most awkward lady ever) came in while Tenley was screaming at me and rather than trying to help by saying something like, "oh what's wrong sweetie" or asking me if I need help she continues to talk to me in her low voice and tell me that the babies RSV tests came back negative. I know this is a good thing and I am thankful for that, but at the moment I was frustrated and just wanted answers and didn't understand. If it wasn't RSV, what was it causing Wes to breathe so horribly? I could hardly hear anything she was telling me as Tenley was still screaming and although I thought you couldn't understand what she was saying I was wrong. After scolding her and saying, "Tenley, please stop. You are not allowed to say that!" She quickly informed me (in her loudest voice), "I ALLOWED TO SAY G*D DAMN IT!! I SAY G*D DAMN IT!!" That is when I gave up. I sat down, holding both fussing babies on my lap and started to cry. This was my nightmare. I know Tenley wasn't feeling well either, but that is never an excuse for the way she behaved and just writing it makes me cry because it made me feel like such a bad mother and so overwhelmed. The nurse practitioner didn't know what to do so, again, instead of offering a hand she gave me a few minutes. When she returned she gave me forms to take the babies to get chest x-rays to test for pneumonia. She also gave me prescriptions for antibiotics, steroids, albuterol breathing treatments and daily preventative treatments. The works. These poor babies (and medicine allllllll day!). At this point the twins were beyond exhausted. I put the crying babies in the stroller, carried crying Tenley, hung my head and shamefully walked out. I know they have seen it all, but it was not my best day and I just wanted a hug. There was no way I had it in me to take all 3 kids to another doctor to get the twin's chest x-rays so I cried my way home while the babies instantly fell asleep in the car.
When Ed got home from work he picked up the twins and took them to get their x-rays while I stayed home with Tenley and cooked dinner. We spent our alone time discussing "adult" words and how she needs to be mommy's big helper. We've been so busy with the sick kiddies that we forgot about our 'Elf on A Shelf' so I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce Tenley to the Elf that Santa brought her for her very first Christmas. She found her under the tree and kept saying, "the elfsy in da tree!" and wanted to touch her so, so bad. Every time she said elfsy it sounded like Elfsa so that is what we decided to name her. No more being naughty Tenley...Elfsa's watching:
That night, my sweet little Evie had a nasty fever and just wanted to cuddle. She kept tossing and turning, but finally passed out and I began to cry because I felt so bad for her. She is the sweetest thing and never complains so I know she had to be hurting. We had a moment and I just wanted to freeze our cuddle sesh:
The x-ray results came back negative for pneumonia, but showed that the babies had bronchiolitis (different from bronchitis); which sucks, but is a lot better than pneumonia.
We started off our round of breathing treatments super duper early Tuesday morning:
While Ev napped, Tenley and Wes had a tea party:
I put Wes to sleep on my back while I multitasked and nursed Ev to sleep:
The babes started to feel better Wednesday evening and we finally started to see some smiles on those adorable faces:
Moose belted out some tunes with Tenley:
Wes was finally back to his active self and climbing on everything, again:
Ev tried on Wessie's hat and looked so adorable with those doey eyes:
My mom sent Wes the most adorable Santa pajamas and I may be biased, but I'm pretty sure he is the cutest Santa ever:
My mother-in-law sent these adorable 'Santa's Helper' pajamas; which was the perfect match for my little Santa except Evie was anything but helpful:
(Thanks for the adorable PJs guys!!)
Tenley has been talking about Santa all week so when she saw Wes dressed as Santa she said, "mom, Moosey dressed as Santa! I gonna take a pic-a-ture with him!!":
Evie gave Wessie Boy hugs:
Evie pushed around the Minnie Mouse car:
I did some Christmas shopping with Karina Saturday morning and Ed sent me this picture:
After Tenley's "relaxation time" in her room she told Ed that she took "selfies with her friends" on her iPad:
Ed finished up the Christmas lights so he bundled Tenley up before it got too cold and showed her the house lit up while the babies watched from inside:
(There are a few strands out so once we get those fixed I'll post a "finished" pic, if we ever get to it!)
Tenley and Everly cooked up a batch of adorableness for breakfast Sunday morning:
I made this delicious buttered pesto salmon with broccoli and brown rice that the babies (and Tenley) loved:
I found Wes hiding out in his big sister's room after dinner:
I'm SO glad these kiddos are feeling better. Thanks to everyone who sent them good vibes!
Until next time! :)
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