This past year has been such a whirlwind that I actually thought I was turning 29 this year so I got the best birthday gift ever Monday when I realized it was actually my 28th birthday. YAY! I also got the sweetest birthday messages from my fam packed with some pretty awesome old pictures:
(This was my adorable pet Raccoon, Rudy. Yes, she was a raccoon and I named her Rudy after Rudy Huxtable and we also had another raccoon, a boy- her brother, named Rocky that my Dad rescued from a job site.)

(This was my Junior Year Homecoming when Ed came to send me off with another guy...he was such a good sport! The struggle of dating an older guy while in High School.)
Tenley learned about the letter 'M' at school on Monday and made a mitten:
When she got home from school she was in a great mood. She played so nicely with Evie while Wessie Boy napped and even sang me 'Happy Birthday':

That night, Ed surprised me with my favorite red velvet cake from Nothing Bundt Cake and the tripod I've been wanting! I was stunned. I had a Mexican fiesta cooked for us and we ate dinner while wearing sombreros. It was perfect. After dinner we goofed off with the sombreros and took lots of pictures, of course:
(This boy did not want to take off the sombrero.)
(Ev was not a big fan of wearing the sombrero.)
I must say, my 28th birthday is going down in the books as the greatest birthday I've had in a LONG time. I love how special my family made me feel. Thanks guys!
Evie slept in Tuesday morning, while Wes played and Tenley ate cake for breakfast since I was feeling mighty generous after my ah-mazing birthday yesterday:
Later in the day, I caught these two hanging out by the fireplace totally looking guilty:
Karina stopped by and gave me the sweetest birthday card with an Anthropologie gift card and as if that wasn't already the best birthday gift she forced me to take a warm, kid-free shower, while she played with all 5 of the kids. I mean, she's a Saint. We're so lucky to have her in our lives:
(Thanks, Karina!! Love you!!)
The girls and I had a Frozen dance party while Wes chilled in sissy's beanbag chair:
Wednesday night was the twins last night as 11 month olds:
We dropped Pearl off at the groomers on our way to dance class on Thursday and Tenley was so excited to have her best friend sitting next to her in the car (but was very upset when she found out she wasn't coming to dance, too):
After having two weeks off of dance, my little ballerina was beyond excited to be back and was stylin' with her new dance bag from Santa:
Isla missed dance class since she was just getting over a nasty bug so it was up to the Ergo and I to entertain the twins while Tenley danced her little tush off:
The weather was so beautiful on the twins birthday that we had to go outside and play for a bit:

My Mom, Aunt Julie and in-laws arrived in Vegas Friday morning and we were all SO excited!! I really procrastinated with the party planning so as soon as they arrived we got right into party mode (after some snuggles, of course) and got straight to running errands and baking up some delicious party goods. As soon as Ed got home we even put him to work- touching up paint and fixing vents. It was truly a production to be seen:
The kids played with Daddy and Pearl while I did a few last minute party preparations Saturday morning:
We had a camping themed birthday bash Saturday afternoon to celebrate the twin's first birthday and it was perfect! Totally tired these two crazies out:
We spent all day Sunday recovering (from the massive amounts of food we ate) at Camp Double Trouble. The kids played and snuggled with their grandmas and Great Aunt Jewie all day; which totally melted my heart:
To end a perfect week, I finally got Ev taking some steps on video and go figure it was for food! I got her to take a few (side) steps to me before Wes came and plowed her down! Check it out for yourself:
We spent all day Sunday recovering (from the massive amounts of food we ate) at Camp Double Trouble. The kids played and snuggled with their grandmas and Great Aunt Jewie all day; which totally melted my heart:
To end a perfect week, I finally got Ev taking some steps on video and go figure it was for food! I got her to take a few (side) steps to me before Wes came and plowed her down! Check it out for yourself:
Until next week! :)
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