Remember how I told you I thought the kids and I were suffering from some wicked allergies last week? Well, we woke up even worse Monday morning. I decided to send Tenley to school anyways since she was the best out of all of us and she was so excited to see her friends. I was in charge of snacks for the week so I had to go anyways. The chart said they'd be learning about insects so we brought apple slices and sugar free gummy worms. Tenley was pretty excited for the gummy worms:
I made all three kids sick visits for when we picked T up from school. I thought it'd be perfect timing because I could get the twins to nap while T was off at school, but unfortunately they were too congested to nap:
I guess the schedule at school went from insects to this "sad shamwock" that Tenley could not wait to show me:
We actually made it to our appointment ON TIME; which never happens. I signed in, then after an hour of waiting in a room full of kids that sounded worse than Darth Vadar the receptionist asked me if I signed what?! Yeah, an hour ago!! Apparently she threw away my sign in sticker and didn't recognize my kids because of how big they had gotten. Anyways, we finally got back into the room where we waited some more and in case you're wondering what it's like being at the doctors with 2 babies and a toddler by yourself, here ya go:
The twins were so tired after being poked and prodded and to be honest, I had no energy to bust out my boobs to calm them with some liquid gold (I know, I'm a horrible mom!) so I threw them some pouches and they sucked those puppies dry instead:
Turns out Ev gave her croup to Wes so he needs an oral steroid to help with his awful wheezing and he also has to do breathing treatments. As for the girls, they both have nasty congestion and the doc said "their lungs were a little swollen" so they were prescribed breathing treatments, too. The worst one was Wes whose breathing sounded just awful so the doctor wanted to see him back in 2 days.
Tuesday was a day full of rest, relaxation and breathing treatments (just to give you an idea...each one has 2 vials in it and takes roughly 20 minutes. Each kid gets it 3 times a day...that's 9 times!!):
Tenley really started to pitch in and said, "no, mommy. I do it!":
The breathing treatments really started to work on clearing her lungs out and helping her breathe because she began to feel much better and was actually playing:
Evie and Wes seemed to be feeling a bit better too as they gave me some smiles during lunch, then gave me even more sly smiles as I attempted to put them down for a nap:
I had planned all of our meals for the entire week, but since I also had a fever and congestion the only thing I wanted to eat was grilled cheese and tomato soup with the kids:
The previous night Ev threw up on me in the middle of the night so I had to wash the bedding. While attempting to make the bed before bath time I slowly had one little monkey climb on the bed, then two, then three:

Wes sounded like hell Wednesday morning and Ev just wanted nothing to do with the day so I had to juggle like no other before Tenley woke up and started demanding attention, too:
Since Tenley was much better and only had a lingering cough; which I'm sure will be lingering for awhile, she went to school and made this adorable rainbow:
It was back to the doctor's for Wes's follow-up and the doctor was not happy with his oxygen levels. We did another breathing treatment right on the spot; which instantly helped a bit so she told me we needed to up the amount of breathing treatments he was receiving. Instead of only giving him 3 (every 4 hours while he's awake), she said we needed to start doing them while he was sleeping, too. It just breaks my heart that Wes and Ev get so sick every time they get sick. The doc explained that having RSV at such a young age really messes with you and is something that they will have to deal with for awhile. She suggested that maybe we increase their daily breathing treatments; which I thought were preventative, but she explained were to decrease the severity of their sickness when they are struck with a nasty bug. I don't know whether we will increase it to twice a day, but it really got me thinking about how bad they could've been if we hadn't been giving them any of the daily breathing treatment at all. Scary to think about. Since his oxygen levels weren't where they needed to be we had to schedule another follow-up for Friday.
When I got home I swaddled the babes for their naps and they weren't having it. They were cracking me up because I had them swaddled so good that they were running around the room swaddled and looked like penguins (I totally should've filmed this instead):
Tenley is missing play dates with her besties SO much! She woke up on Thursday and brought me this dress and said, "Isla's gonna come ober today and wear dis dress. I so excited, mommy!":
Then she started planning a dress-up play date for all of her friends:
Thursday was a day full of relaxation and breathing treatments to try to get better.
(I tried so hard to get a cute pic for Jess with both of these crazy moose kids looking, but it gets harder and harder each day! Thanks for the adorable shirts, Jess!)
While tandem nursing the twins for their afternoon nap, Ev's arm popped out of her swaddle. With that arm she started covering her eyes and quickly uncovering them while shouting, "BA!" at Wes; which naturally made him laugh hysterically. It was quite possibly the cutest thing ever! Needless to say, these two skipped naps in lieu of lovin' on each other:
While I gave Wes a breathing treatment, Ev was laying on the couch, kicking her legs in the air and giggling so sweetly:
Wes woke up looking like a whole new boy Friday morning and I was so happy to see him feeling like himself again:
I even got the twins to nap together Friday:
After naps the twins looked great and I feel like Wes is truly on the road to recovery:
While Ed took Wes to the pediatrician for his second follow-up, the girls hung out in T's room:
Wes' oxygen levels were still not normal, but they were in the 90's this time and the doctor said he sounded much better and looked WAY better. We have to bring him back in 2 weeks for another follow-up so I'll keep you posted!
The doc said the kids were okay to go outside and that the allergens would likely irritate their coughs so to just do breathing treatments as needed. With that being said, there was nothing keeping us from taking the kiddos to the St. Patrick's Day Parade! We brought the wagon, met Karina and her crew and had a blast in the sun watching the parade go by:
Sticking to our roots, we came home and ate pasta and meatballs for lunch:
After that mess of a lunch the kids switched to some comfy clothes and Tenley loved on "her Evie":
While going through my pics I noticed these two shots of the twins looking down and I can't help but notice how identical they look:
Wes has discovered his bellybutton and whenever you ask him to show you it he gets so excited:
The kids had so much fun in the bath together Saturday night. It's so much fun to watch them play in the tub together, but you kind of have to cover yourself with a towel because they splash more than Shamu doing his best show ever:
Tenley and I had a mommy/daughter date planned with the Venturino gals to see Cinderella. Cinderella has always been my favorite Princess and I remember watching the VHS over and over as a little girl. I had been looking forward to this day since I saw the trailer and was so excited! Of course Tenley dresses up the second she woke up Sunday morning and was in character all day:
Tenley's imagination these days really cracks me up. When we pulled into the parking garage she said, "it's dark in the woods." Then, when we walked into the casino she said, "the castle is so beautiful, mommy! I can't wait to go to the ball." I mean she was in full on character mode. Of course the princess' needed popcorn and lemonade for the ball, too:
We all loved the mini movie 'Frozen Fever' and loved 'Cinderella'. My favorite part was when Ella showed up to the ball and Tenley got out of her seat and ever so tenderly curtsied at Kit with Ella. I literally can not stop thinking about the movie- it was perfect. I will be purchasing it the day it comes out and watching it non-stop, for sure. Great memories with this crew:
Tenley was excited to see her "brudder" and daddy when she got home and made them play dress up with her:
Wes didn't nap all day, but was in a surprisingly good mood:
For how sick we all were in the beginning of the week I thought this was going to be an entirely miserable week, but it turned out to be a really fun weekend. I just love my little family and love when they're healthy, too.
Last but not least, just a fun little tid bit about this Sunday, March 15th, Ed and I have been together for 12 years!! Can you believe it? I love you SO much, Ed! I truly never want to imagine a day without you in it.
Until next week! :)
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