Tenley and Wes woke up early Monday morning and cuddled together on the couch while Evie slept in:
While Tenley was off at school learning about the letter 'W', the twins and I went for a wagon ride:
Tenley made a colorful windmill at school on Monday:
We worked on our animal sounds when Tenley got home from school:
The kids have been obsessed with the fake make-up the Easter Bunny brought Tenley. It literally keeps them busy forever and I crack up watching Wes put lipstick on:
Ev woke up early Tuesday morning and took a nap on me before brother and sister woke up and I couldn't help but notice how teeny and compact she looked:
I brought back Tenley's play table and the kids were so excited and, of course, would not stay off the table top:
They loved "making music" on the table, too:
When Ed got home from work Tenley turned her table and chairs into a submarine and kept screaming, "argh matey!" and the twins were yelling, "arrrr!" The three of them have so much fun together:
While one troublemaker was off at school another was too pleased to take over:
Tenley brought home a few of her latest school projects on Wednesday:
Ev has been boycotting afternoon naps because she wakes up as soon as I unlatch her, but she finally stayed asleep on Wednesday and although it only lasted for 45 minutes it was amazing:
The twins turned 15 months old on Wednesday! I can't believe how quickly my babies have grown up. When Tenley turned 16 months old we treated her to her first 'Build a Bear' experience so we decided to treat the twins (and Tenley) to their first experience a month early since they love Tenley's bear so much. The whole trip made me reminiscent of when Tenley picked out Princess Teddy and how that bear is so ratty now because of all the loving she's given her over the years (gosh, I can't believe it's been years!):
Wes couldn't decide between The Hulk or Raphael, but settled on Raphael, while Ev clung to a bear with colorful hearts and Tenley chose Ariel's Palace Pet and was in absolute Heaven. Wes took some time to warm up and since Evie is such a peanut and couldn't even press the pedal, Tenley had a blast stuffing all the bears. The kids gave their bears a bath, then Tenley named them all- Kat, Lovey and Ninjy:

Wes couldn't decide between The Hulk or Raphael, but settled on Raphael, while Ev clung to a bear with colorful hearts and Tenley chose Ariel's Palace Pet and was in absolute Heaven. Wes took some time to warm up and since Evie is such a peanut and couldn't even press the pedal, Tenley had a blast stuffing all the bears. The kids gave their bears a bath, then Tenley named them all- Kat, Lovey and Ninjy:

(She was very serious about her stance.)
We went to the Rices Thursday morning and the kids had so much fun playing together. Tenley was so excited to dress up in Isla's new Sheriff Callie dress and kept saying "Wild West!" The babies are obsessed with Sailor and love starring at her and Wes loves to give her hugs and kisses:
(I can't believe Ev used to sleep in that same Rock 'N Play. Also, the shirt Evie is wearing is the shirt Tenley was wearing the day she learned to walk. Ok, I'm going to cry now...)
(Linds and I are already planning a Ditata/Rice wedding for 2044)
The babes took good naps after our play date, while Tenley and I cuddled on the couch with all of her friends:
After the twins nap, Tenley lined up their chairs so they could look out the window so I used it as an opportunity to get some pictures and I really captured each of their personalities perfectly:
Tenley colored Kat's 'Build a Bear' box and was really proud of it:
I weeded the front yard Friday morning and it took forever due to the amount of breaks I took to take the kids on walks/rides; which sometimes turned into bumper-cars:
(Yes, I know she needs a helmet.)
Tenley had dance Saturday morning and I was so impressed with how well she was following Miss Cherrity's instructions:
She was even Line Leader this week and did such a great job:
She was even Line Leader this week and did such a great job:
I got to hold Sailor for a hot minute, but you bet your sweet tushy it gave me baby fever, per usual:
(There's something about a baby in a sparkle bow...)
Tenley helped me fold the laundry after dance class:
We planned on spending the day at the 'Touch a Truck' charity event at The Orleans, but after the babes naps we made it there at 2:30pm and it ended at 3pm, but the kids still had fun. We got to see a lot of the CAT machines that daddy works on, Firetrucks, CSI Trucks and Tenley had her first run in with a State Trooper:
(The thumbs up kills me!! Now this will be a good picture for her high school graduation montage!)
Since we were only at The Orleans for 30 minutes we decided to take the kids to the flamingo habitat at The Flamingo, of course. My mom has been telling me to take them there forever so I figured we better take them before it gets miserably hot out. As soon as we walked in they had these huge parrots and Tenley immediately went up to them and wanted to pet them. The lady asked if she wanted to hold one and she said, "sure, I can do that!" so I thought 'ok, I guess she's going to hold a parrot as big as her today.' As the lady was about to place the bird on Tenley it flapped it's wings; which totally scared Tenley and just ruined it for her. She kept saying, "I think I came in too hot, daddy." Since she didn't want to hold the bird anymore Ed and I held the bird and took a picture because why not, right?! The pictures weren't the best, but we had to buy them because I always wanted to remember Tenley saying, "I think I came in too hot." It was such a fun day:
(Thanks for the fun suggestion, ma!)
Everyone was exhausted when we got home and Tenley and Ed were being goofballs:
Sunday morning we got ready to go do some shopping at the Miracle Mile Shops and the kids looked so cute that I had to take a picture before we left, but my typical model babe wasn't having it:
(I can't even...)
After we finished shopping at the Gap, we walked over to the Bellagio Fountains so the kids could see the characters on The Strip (we saw Olaf and some minions) and the fountains. It was such a beautiful day:
Until next time! :)
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