Tenley still had a fever Monday morning and she was SO bummed she had to miss school. We spent most of the day relaxing on the couch, practicing sight words and reading books:
Since learning about fire safety last week Tenley's been wanting to make a map in case of a fire. Since we had time to spare, she made a map and my favorite escape plan was to run to the "rox":
Wes slept in so sweetly and I hated having to wake him up for school:
Tenley's fever broke, but since it hadn't been 24 hours she wasn't allowed to go to school. Since she was feeling better, we went to Michael's to get crafts, then headed to Barnes and Noble to read books. 'What Do You Do With A Problem' was our favorite and related to everything in life. Definitely a great read for the kiddos (and me):
Ev and Wes came home with pumpkins that they used to review the letters they've learned so far:
Tenley was so excited to go back to school Wednesday, but when she woke up I noticed she had red dots around her mouth. I was worried she had Hand Foot and Mouth; which would explain the fever, so I called her doc. She didn't had HFM, but she did test positive for strep. Luckily she wouldn't be contagious after 24 hours of meds.
The weather was gorgeous so when we got home from the doc, we took some crafts outside and enjoyed the weather:
Tenley was stuck at home for one more day, while her meds kicked in. Ev and Wes reviewed their letters at school and learned about the lifecycle of pumpkins:
Later, we worked on sight words and colored:
Wes slept in Friday morning and every time I see him sleeping I just want to curl up next to him:
Tenley missed a week of dressing up at school to celebrate Apple Core reading week and was bummed. Friday was celebrating how reading is exercise for the mind so the kids were encouraged to wear "exercise clothes". That morning she said, "mommy, make sure you pick out a shirt for me with your work logo on it. I loved that she wanted to look like me and I have to say I think she looked like my little twin:
The twins made a pumpkin craft and cooked up a pumpkin dip at preschool, while Tenley also learned about pumpkins:
Ed went to a Golden Knights game with Carll Friday evening and the kids and I were so jealous. The kids really wanted to go with him so we're going to go for Tenley's birthday and are looking forward to seeing the Knights in action:
I got my butt kicked first thing Saturday morning, but loved every second of it. Amelia peer-pressured me into wearing my ankle weights for the whole second half of class and I thought my legs were going to fall off! We laughed sp hard throughout the whole class. Definitely a great way to start the day:
After PB, I headed straight to Wesley's T-ball game. He actually ran the first two innings so we were super proud of him:
After T-ball, we went to Gymcats for Ev's dance class and Tenley's cheer class. Ev is learning a lot and Tenley did so good. I remember her saying cheer was too hard and I kept encouraging her to keep trying. It seems like it really clicked with her this week and she was loving it! The teacher had the girls earn 'Connect 4' chips throughout class and play as they did well; they all loved that! Tenley actually took her fish move to a scale and was the only one who could do it. The teacher had her show the other girls and Tenley was so proud of herself:
Tenley has been saying how she missed dance class so I signed her up for a trial class after cheer, but decided she didn't like dance as much anymore. It broke my heart a little bit because she was so good and I loved watching her dance, but I'm so glad she's found something she's passionate about. She came home from Gymcats and practiced for hours! It made my heart so happy.
Tenley made Sofia a birthday card for her 6th birthday. She sounded the words out and did such a good job:
We were all excited to celebrate the birthday girl:
The kids had so much fun playing and especially loved playing outside on the teeter totter:
(Happy birthday, sweet Sofia!! We love you!!)
Ed had to work on ordering parts for a new job and Tenley helped him count all the registers. She loved helping him:
Tenley's class is doing a 'Kindness Bingo' so she worked on that after helping Daddy:
Until next time! :)