After the baby shower, we headed to my brother Ray's to play pool, listen to music and hang out with some family and friends:
The next day, my mom planned a BBQ at the house so Ed and I didn't have to run around to see everyone, this way they could just come to us. My brothers cooked "hut dogs and humberbergers" while everyone sat around chatting up a storm. Cassie even stopped by so that I can meet her fiance, John. The weather was perfect and the company was even more perfect.
After we all ate, I was introduced to an amazingly fun game that I've never even heard of - Corn-hole! I was pretty bad when Ed and I were partners, but then I got better when Rachel and I teamed up ...maybe because she carried me the entire time. Cho should really join a corn-hole league or something.

(Ray-Ray flexin' to make us all laugh)
It was a fun-filled day/night and I'm so glad we all got to relax a little the day after the baby shower. Our next and final day was spent saying goodbye to our families. First we went to say bye to my brothers, then we spent the day at Eddie's house where we got to see his entire family again and my mom and Gram came, too:

(this whole "pink shirt day" thing was not planned, but it sure did make for a cute photo)

Going home to Ohio is always bittersweet for me… I love going home to see all of my family and friends, but I always get homesick when I get back to Vegas. It’s hard to go from spending all day and night with your family and friends and then not knowing when the next time you’ll see them will be. The one thing that is keeping me going is knowing that we’ll have plenty of visitors when the baby is born …visits from my mom, in-laws, aunts, grandmas, cousins and even Amy and Alex are going to visit after the baby arrives! I can not wait to welcome our daughter into such a large group of people who love her unconditionally and will always be there for her. I am so grateful that my family and Ed’s family are close and still maintain close even when we are in Vegas. It means a lot to me to know that our daughter will have the most amazing family around her. And although we will be far from Ohio, our daughter will ALWAYS be close with her family.
Thanks to everyone I got to see while vacationing in Ohio,
you all made it so much fun for us!
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