My name is Kelli (with an i) and this is my bloggity-blog.
I've been M.I.A. for awhile because well, I'm 6 friggin' months preggo! So please forgive my absence (all 4 of you who follow me). I'm 24 weeks pregnant and am starting to feel like a cow. My toes look like mini sausages after a long days work and I think I even moo in my sleep. I even have an active little monkey inside me that has hijacked my belly, but I sure do love the lil' squirt. I discovered the little dancer in my belly when I hit 21 weeks. I was starting to get a little worried and began to think that she didn't like me; which made me determined to feel her move. Since I was so determined, I treated myself to heaven a Reese's ice cream sandwich one night to put a little pep in her step. Eddie started talking to her and asking her what she wanted to be named, but he didn't get a response. She's stubborn, remember? Sure enough, about 30 minutes later, baby girl started kicking away! She now kicks like Bruce Lee and I must say, it is thee coolest feeling EVERRRR. She also loves, loves, LOVES Adele! I listen to her CD every morning on my way to work and she just starts dancing like a ballerina. Chicks got good taste in music, that's for sure. Eddie has felt a few slight movements here and there, but pretty soon he'll really be able to feel how she's packin' a punch.
That's really the only major exciting news I have. I know, I'm seriously the lamest pregnant lady. Sorry to disappoint. I can't complain about morning sickness, pregnancy "mask", weird hair growth, or anything at all, really. (totally jinxed myself right there) What's there to complain about when I've got a miracle in my belly anyways? I guess the only complaint I can think of is how expensive babies are! We finally got baby girl's bedding and now I'm dying to buy her furniture, but it's SO dang expensive. Hopefully we'll get it soon! Here's a sneak peek at her bedding:
Isn't it just thee cutest? We even painted the nursery this past weekend; which took three whole days, but was super fun!
Since I haven't blogged in a while I'll give you a quick re-cap of my ever expanding waistline and a few pics of what we've been doing:
22 weeks 1 day
22 weeks 2 days:
Since Dota's cousin is a "Marriott Millionaire", the Cosmo upgraded his room to a corner suite with a 50 foot balcony facing the Bellagio and a 50 foot balcony facing the Strip. The view was awesome! Check it out:

Grace turned 1:

And Ed celebrated his first (soon-to-be) "Father's Day" and Baby D bought him a gift (that really is for herself... she's spoiled already)! This is what she bought him:
A cute outfit that exclaims her love for her main man
a.k.a. her daddy

(isn't the butt just adorable??)
Ed got cards from our baby girl and Pearl, of course. It was a great Father's Day and I can NOT wait until next year when Ed will be able to celebrate his first "real" Father's Day with his little Daddy's girl. The one thing that eases my mind about our baby's arrival is knowing that I have Ed by my side. It is unreal how great of a Father he is going to be. I catch him throughout the day just wondering in the nursery just staring at it (like I do, too) and it makes me happy inside because I know how excited he is. We just can't believe that she will be here so soon and that we will have created a little human being together - AMAZEBALLS!! Like, I still don't believe it. Can't wait ...less than 4 months!!
Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July!!
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