Saturday, December 31, 2011

2 Months Old

Happy 2 Month Old Birthday, Tenley!

Where have the last 2 months gone?!?

Let's see... My 2 month old is growing way too fast and is getting sooo smart! She can hold her head up and can also move it from left to right. She follows objects and voices and can even mimic what you're doing. For example, if you stick your tongue out, she'll stick hers out and smile. She loves her tongue and licks everythinggggg! If she's sitting up she'll lick her shoulder and if she's laying down she'll try to lick her chin. The best is when you're giving her a kiss on the lips and she slips you the tongue! Open mouthed kisses are the best. Since she's so fascinated with her tongue she's been drooling like a maniac. She's developed the cutest coos that sound as if she's saying mmmgooooo. She now grabs her toys and blankets and has a pretty good grip, too. She also has a routine down and gets thrown off by changes in it. One routine of hers I truly appreciate is her good sleeping skills. She's been sleeping throughout the night for about 3 weeks now and it is super-duper nice.

At her 2 month wellness check-up she weighed in at a whopping 14 pounds and 5.8 ounces and is now 24.5 inches long. The pediatrician says she is, "off the charts and perfect!" (Duh, I already knew she was perfect...) So I no longer have a percentile for her growth, I just know that she is "off the charts". The pediatrician said she is perfectly proportioned for her height and that she met all her 2 month milestones - smiling, cooing, moving her head, moving her eyes from left to right, etc. At this check-up baby girl got her first round of shots... she screamed and I cried; the two of us are such blubbering babies. Poor munchkin has been extra fussy since the shots and just wants to be held (no complaints there). Her next check-up and second round of shots will be at 4 months - yippee!!

The last 2 months have been a whirlwind, but it sure has been amazing. I've watched my life simply fade away and be completely consumed by my sweet chubby cheeked chicky, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Things that used to interest me no longer intrigue me. In a perfect world, I'd get to spend the entire day with Tenley and Ed and have no other distractions. I just can't get enough of them!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Weekly Update

Tenley is full of smiles these days.
(and not because of gas!)

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

She even smiles in her sleep.

She still loves sucking on her arm tummy time and even Pearl enjoys it.

She's also still in love with bathie time.

(and I'm in love with her doopa!)

She loves hangin' out with her friend, Sofia. 

She was thrilled to help me in the kitchen...

so much enthusiasm that it put her to sleep!

(I love when she grabs onto me when she's falling asleep.)

She even helped roll out the pierogies the next day...

She was a big help, until she decided it was time to goof off with Daddy!

(Silly girl will eat just about anything...)

We also celebrated Tenley's first Christmas this week.

Until next time! :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The GREATEST Gift of All

Lil Miss Teddy Bear woke up in an incredibly good mood on Christmas Eve.

 She even wanted to play around on her Pooh Chair from Santy.

Tenley has been fascinated by her big Christmas tree and loves to stare at it. She also liked to look at all of her presents. Can you spot the GREATEST gift of all in this pic??

(She's sitting in her Pooh chair! Such a big little girl.)

I'm pretty sure Tenley got more presents than any other 2 month old baby, but it was so much fun to completely spoil her (even if she doesn't realize it)!

Baby girl also seemed to be going through yet another growth spurt. (Yes, I know... As if she hasn't grown enough already.) She would eat, talk/play for a little, take a quick cat-nap and start all over again! She's the queen of cat-napping.

After one of her many cat-naps on Christmas Eve we baked cookies for Santy - Peanut Butter, his favorite ...or at least that's what Daddy says is Santy's favorite.

After we ate our traditional dinner, homemade pasta and meatballs and homemade pierogies, we headed to the Cantor's and Tenley got to hang out with everyone.

When we got home we gave Tenley a bath and put her to sleep so she would be well-rested for Christmas morning. Baby girl slept from 9:30 pm to 6:45 am. As much as we enjoy how she's been sleeping throughout the night, she enjoys it even more because she wakes up in such a good mood. She laid in front of the tree and opened presents for a whole hour.

(Can't you tell this is her favorite movie? She loves it so much she's trying to eat it!)

She loved the ribbons and only fussed towards the very end because she wanted a nap. Who knew all we needed to buy was ribbon to make this chick happy?!

The Espejos stopped by to say Merry Christmas so we got a pic in front of the tree.

Then we figured out the timer on our camera and got to take a pic with both of our girls.

Tenley was such a popular girl on Facetime... We got to FaceTime with my entire family on Christmas Eve, then we got to FaceTime with Ed's parents on Christmas day.

All the chatting realllllly pooped her out though.

I already received the greatest gift of all in October so it was so much fun to spend Christmas as a family. As a kid, I used to think getting present was so much fun, but giving your kid presents is even more fun! Go figure. Kids truly bring out the true meaning of Christmas and make it so much fun to spoil them. I can only imagine how fun/crazy next year will be. I'm sure the gifts will get even bigger, too!

This was thee best Christmas I've ever had. 

I refuse to believe that it is overrrrrr.
(Nope, not taking down my Christmas tree or removing Michael Buble Christmas from the CD player.)
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