Our week was off to a smiley start:

Maybe she was so smiley because she had a big present brewing for Mommy...
T had such a massive blow-out that she needed a major wipe down:

(She's going to hate me for this some day...)
Her and Pearl had a starring contest:

She started sucking her thumb (not for comfort, just because):

Her new thing is spitting or blowing bubbles, whatever you prefer:

I got Tenley to roll for the camera:

Maybe she was so smiley because she had a big present brewing for Mommy...
T had such a massive blow-out that she needed a major wipe down:

(She's going to hate me for this some day...)
Her and Pearl had a starring contest:

She started sucking her thumb (not for comfort, just because):

Her new thing is spitting or blowing bubbles, whatever you prefer:

I got Tenley to roll for the camera:
(Now she's rolling like a champ and hates being on her back! She's really quick now.)
We took this pic to compare her growth:
(11/14/11 and 03/23/12)
I used to think I never had a tiny baby, but look how tiny she was...
What happened to my baby?!?!?! Why is she growing so fast? Whyyyyyy!
Baby ate naners as I made fruit skewers for Kasie's bridal shower and loved them:
I went to Kasie's bridal shower.
(Just a few more weeks until the bachelorette!! uh-ohhh!!)
After a month of T sleeping in her big girl crib in her room she has weaseled her way back into our bedroom. Baby has major separation anxiety. For the month that she was in her room I was waking up 4-5 times to feed her throughout the night and waking up at 6 am with her. Since she was such a good sleeper and slept through the night before I was desperate to get her back on track and did some research. I read something that said where your baby sleeps the best is the best place for your baby to sleep. That really got me thinking. The best sleep she got (and I got) was when she slept in her elevated pack n play in our bedroom. Since I wanted her in her room, I tried elevated her mattress, but she still woke up 4 times. Since I was desperate for sleep, I put her in her pack n play in our room and baby slept like a bear in hibernation from 8:30 - 5:30 then nursed and went back to bed until 8. Looks like she sleeps best in our room for now. Maybe we'll try her crib again when she outgrows the pack n play; which will probably be soon.
This was her passed out the night we brought her back into our room:
(She's getting soooo big!!)
We've both been sleeping much better now. I may have to sleep on the floor in her room when the time to transition again comes just to trick her. Maybe that'll work!
We took her to see the Easter Bunny on Sunday and got her dressed in her first actual dress (every other dress that she has wore turned into a shirt on her because she's so long); which came all the way from Ohio from Amy & Alex - Thanks girls!!
At first she was reallyyy shy and just sat like a blob:
Then, baby girl started smilin' up a storm and gigglin':
She absolutely loved the Easter Bunny! It's unreal how much she loves strangers. It's going to be difficult teaching this one "Stranger Danger". I bet next year she won't be as smiley with him because he is totally scary looking! When I went to take Tenley from him he wouldn't give her back and he doesn't talk so it was just extremely creepy and awkward. Next year she'll probably scream for sure!!
We gave Tenley bananas again and she didn't seem to like them as much.
She kept making the "sour" face. Take a look:
Until next week! :)
she is just precious!