Baby girl turned 5 months old!
[insert sad face here]
It's getting very hard to change this squirmy worm, especially with windows so close by:
She started sleeping on her side this week:

Baby watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iPad before bath time with Daddy:

T went to see her second movie, The Lorax, this Saturday and she was super stoked:
Baby almost made it through the whole movie, but passed out on Daddy at the very end:
Ok, so 'Finding Nemo' has been like my all time favorite Disney movie, but I think this may be my new fav. It was sooo cute and funny. So colorful, too!! I can't wait to buy it for Tand myself.
After the movie we took the girls to our favorite park:
Tenley is getting really good on the swings. She can even hold on and go pretty fast now:

(I love this one!!)
Although she fussed and we left a bit early it felt nice to be in the same church that we prayed so deeply for her health and well-being. She smiled as I did the sign of the cross on her head and body as we walked in - it was sweet. It was heart-warming to bring her to that church to show our thanks for our answered prayers.
Baby was sooo sleepy after church from our busy Saturday that she fell asleep in my arms:
It's getting very hard to change this squirmy worm, especially with windows so close by:
Not only does she like to suck her thumb, but she lurves her index finger as well:
Baby tried eating her flower that the Easter Bunny gave her:
We went to my office for a going away party/lunch for the lady who took over while I was on maternity leave. While we were there Tenley got to play with Victoria:
(Victoria is 10 months old and the same size as T. My breast milk must have super powers! Or I must be chubby, too...)
Girlfriend and I continued the playing at home:
Daddy got jealous and joined in:
(How cute are they?!?!)
Ed and I are convinced that Tenley thinks screaming is the form of speaking. Like for reals.
This is how she speaks:
(Straight up Godzilla style! I'll try to get it on video cause it is hilarious.)
She's rolling constantlyyyyy...
She even rolls to cuddle with Elmo:
She started sleeping on her side this week:

Baby watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iPad before bath time with Daddy:

1. Because she loved the book and 2. Because Daddy was coming!
Her bestie also met us there:
Baby almost made it through the whole movie, but passed out on Daddy at the very end:
(Seriously, look at her!! Showin' her belly and stuff!! So many rollsss... I could just butter her up!..
Also, this is the first time in months that she fell asleep in Daddy's arms - he was a happy camper!!)
Ok, so 'Finding Nemo' has been like my all time favorite Disney movie, but I think this may be my new fav. It was sooo cute and funny. So colorful, too!! I can't wait to buy it for T
After the movie we took the girls to our favorite park:
I just love these two together:
Then we hit up the swings...
It was Sofs first time in a swing and she loved it:
Tenley is getting really good on the swings. She can even hold on and go pretty fast now:

(I love this one!!)
The girls had so much fun at the park and we really tired them out! Tenley was knocked out before 8 pm and didn't wake up to eat until 5:45 am, then went back to bed until 8:30 am. It was soooo nice!!
We took Tenley to church for Palm Sunday and got her dressed in her Sunday's best:
(Thanks for the dress, Liz!)
Although she fussed and we left a bit early it felt nice to be in the same church that we prayed so deeply for her health and well-being. She smiled as I did the sign of the cross on her head and body as we walked in - it was sweet. It was heart-warming to bring her to that church to show our thanks for our answered prayers.
Baby was sooo sleepy after church from our busy Saturday that she fell asleep in my arms:
(Such a rare occurrence for lil' miss independent.)
Her 3 hour nap must've did her good because when she woke up she stood up while leaning on the ottoman for the very first time! Check it out:
Until next week! :)
she is so adorable!!