Sunday, September 30, 2012

Little Babe

Don't look at her too long because her smile is contagious...
(and so is her cold because I got that from being around her, too!)

...and it makes me forget the simple worries I have in my head. Before Tenley was born I thought I knew what love was, but I had no idea. Love is in her smile and she reminds me of it all the time...

I used to think I had everything figured out, but now I look at her and am reminded of what is important. I never thought being a parent could be such a blast, but each day is something new and we truly don't know what we did before Tenley ruled our world. What is more fun then witnessing your daughter take her first steps? Now that is a memory for the books - nothing tops that. (Except maybe when she walks for the first time!) Yupp, I now know what love is. She is the light of my life and I would just die without her. I honestly couldn't imagine a day where she wasn't in it. I would do anything for that little babe. 

This month was full of milestones... Here are some fun new facts about Tenley Bear:

  • Weight: 25 pounds
  • Height: 30.5 inches
  • She is currently in size 18-24 month clothes.
  • She wears size 5 shoes, but hardly wears them.
  • She has upgraded to a toddler car seat.
  • She has 6 teeth - 3 on top and 3 on the bottom.
  • Some days her eyes are blue and some days they are green (just like her Mommy's).
  • She now drinks 1 bottle (of breast milk) a day, in addition to her normal feedings. We started this so when we want to have a night out she will (hopefully) take a bottle from the sitter.
  • Not only can she stand, but she can now stand up from the sitting position all by herself.
  • She can now distinguish between Momma and Dadda rather than calling everything Momma and Dadda (although she still does this from time to time). She is also talking like a maniac. She says, "uh-oh" and "no" a lot.
  • Her favorite TV show is still Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but now she also really likes Doc McStuffins and Jake and The Never Land Pirates.
  • She loves food!! She has solids 3 times a day with some snacks here and there. Her favorite foods are ones that she can feed to herself. She loves turkey sausage and oven roasted chicken is her absolute favorite (especially when Auntie Karina makes it). She absolutely hates beef (she doesn't seem to be into red meat, just like me). She can also feed herself pouches - she is getting so independent and it is SO sad.
  • Her biggest and most exciting milestone this month was that she took her first STEPS!! (click here to see the video) Since she took her first steps she has taken about 6 steps, but still likes to squat and crawl after she takes a few steps. She has been a little lazy with trying to walk since she came down with a cold this week. I'm hoping once she gets better she'll start picking it up again. It is so exciting to watch her learn how to walk!! I keep having dreams that she is walking and it is just the cutest thing to see her lil' butt walking. Gahhhh. I can't wait to see the real thing!! 

I just can NOT believe the time to plan her FIRST birthday is here. I'm excited for it, but at the same time I know I am going to be an emotional wreck. Every time Ed and I talk about it or I envision her with her cake I get teary eyed. Whatever, I've always been an emotional person so it's expected, right? I should just not wear make-up that day, huh? Eventhough I'm going to be a basket case I can't wait to see Tenley Bear's face when she sees the house all decorated like Mickey's Clubhouse and I can't wait to see her in her Minnie Mouse tutu. She's going to be so beautiful (as always).

Happy 11 Month Birthday, Suga Suga!!


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Weekly Update

Tenley wore diapers around the house all week because she's been doing skin-to-skin with Daddy for at least 30 minutes a day (due to this she now takes a bottle from him and lets him rock her a night so I can get a lil' break, who knew?!):

She started making this super funny face:

She had a play date with Sofs...

...and Karina brought grilled chicken (T's fav):
(Can I just say that I am so happy that Karina is back from NY? I miss them so much when I don't see them. She comes over, brings me spinach and chicken salads, and we gossip while our girls play. You can't beat having a friend like that!)

Tenley was so bummed that she didn't get to see her Daddy that day that she kept looking for him out the window:

She had fun chowing down some blueberry/purple carrot puree:

Chunk is so tall that she can now reach the door knobs:

We had a play date with Chelsea and her kiddos on Friday and Chels did T's hair...

...and the kids had a blast playing together while we chit-chatted:

(Again, so grateful to have Chelsea in my life. Our kids get along great and we have so much fun together! I love our play dates.)

Tenley has been sleeping shirtless so skin-to-skin is easier incase she wakes up in the middle of the night and I couldn't resist snapping a picture of how cute she looked snuggled up with Piglet:
(Don't worry I cover her up once she is totally passed out.)

We ordered Tenley's "main" cake for her birthday party and of course she had to have a lil tasting...

She wasn't too keen on the vanilla...

...she liked the red velvet:

...and she lovedddd the chocolate with chocolate mousse filling:

Baby has been taking bottles like a champ and even took one while watching the Steelers:

The Venturinos came over for dinner and Tenley showed Sofia how to use her walker:

After having a rough week last week (teething, sleep deprivation, etc.), this week was everything I needed it to be. We finally got Tenley to sleep through the night again and she now loves drinking from a bottle. Most importantly, I was surrounded by people who lifted my spirits. I am so thankful I have a supportive husband and friends who are there for me when I need them. 

Until next week! :)

(Can't believe Tenley Bear will be 11 months old next week... Eeeek!)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekly Update

(WARNING: blog content is video heavy; however they're extremely adorable!!)

On Monday morning, Tenley Bear's swing set was in the shade so we played outside...

...which put my lil' bear in hibernation for a bit:

When Daddy got home he had fun throwing T around the living room...

...and playing outside, again:

Then, these two got T's bath ready:
(She loves to be a "big helper"!)

The next day was a lazy and rainy day...

...Tenley and her pal, Pearl, loved watching the backyard flood:

The weather returned to normal and we were back to wagon rides the following day:

Baby is getting three teeth and it's been really painful for her and stressful for me:

She loves music and especially loves to play the drums:

She loves her walker and has fun taking things for rides in it:

She lovessss piggy back rides:

Friday night was ah-mazing!! Here's why... Tenley was so exhausted after not taking any naps (remember she's getting three teeth?) and we were wondering how the heck we were going to get to bath time because she was so dang tired. Then, baby girl all of a sudden busted out some steps! Needless to say, we were SOOO surprised and beyond thrilled. We were so proud of her. Take a look:
(Goooo Tenley Bear!! Mommy still gets so excited and giddy when she watches this!! Love you.)

Since our lil' bear is raging with teething pain she has been getting up super earlyyyy so we attempted to bring her in our bed for an early morning snuggle fest and the squirmy worm would not lay peacefully so Ed attempted to strap her down with his arms:

I tried to do a little pony with one of my clips, but T's fine hair just kept falling out (hopefully soon!):

We ran some errands and Tenley jammed out in the car:

When we got home, Tenley practiced her walking skills with Daddy and is getting really good at walking while holding one of his hands:

Pearl is starting to love to play with Tenley and Tenley thinks it is hilarious whenever Pearl gets really close or if she touches her:
(Sorry about the sound quality... Ed isn't the best videographer!)

After her giggle fest with Pearl, peanut was a cutie during bathie time:

On Sunday, Tenley was ready for some football (and a Memphis roll):

She did some more walking with Daddy...

...and goofed off the rest of the day:

Until next week! :)
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