It was 5:30am, on the dot, and I woke to the sound of you pouting in your room. I gladly sprung out of bed, went to your room, picked you up, kissed you, changed your diaper, then laid you next to me in bed and nursed you. You fell right back to sleep and started twitching because you were giggling and smirking in your sleep. This is my favorite time of day...these quiet moments you and I share in the mornings are the ones that will stay embedded in my mind until the end of time. I will always picture you as the sweet little angel that has one arm in my hair and the other draped around my chest. 18 months of snuggling you will never be enough...
As you continued to run your tiny fingers through my hair, I thought back over the past year and a half. You changed so much since the day you came into the world. It's hard to believe that the little baby that laid on my chest and looked at me to be cared for is now running everywhere and is getting less and less dependent on me. It has been the greatest joy and my biggest accomplishment to be your mommy.
I marvel in your achievements every day, even if it is something as little as eating your entire meal with a fork. You now weigh 30lbs and are a quarter of an inch shy of standing 34 inches tall! You have 16 teeth and smile so sweetly. You have become a better sleeper on your own, but much rather prefer to be sleeping near me. You can climb just about everything and feed yourself. You continue to expand your vocabulary, but are still very shy when it comes to talking (you'd rather giggle or scream to get your point across). Your absolute favorite thing to do is to give hugs and kisses (and they are to die for). You always bust out into dance when music comes on. Just recently, you've started to play by yourself; which confuses me because I just don't know how to act when you are not hugging my ankles.
Regardless of your achievements and milestones, you are such a happy girl. You really have spunk and sass, girl. There is never a dull moment with you. Your smile could light up the darkest room and get thee grumpiest person to squeal with excitement.
Thanks for making each day we share such a blast!
(I could kiss you all day!)
Happy 18 month birthday, Tenley Bear!!