Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Weekly Update

This week the kids are focusing on the letter 'K' and learning all about patterns at school. Tenley's teacher took a picture of her class practicing making patterns with candy canes and trees. Of course, Tenley was next to her boyfriend, Jackson: 

The girls are obsessed with the Trolls movie and can't stop bustin' a move to their favorite songs from the movie:

After getting the twins ready for school Tuesday morning, I had to take a pic of Ev since she was wearing the same dress that Tenley wore the day we brought the twins home from the hospital. I can't believe she is THAT big already! It's a 3T. It doesn't seem possible. She my teeny tiny, sweet little gal: 

While the twins were at school, we had a girls day at the Venturinos. Time with Karina is so therapeutic. She has a gift of making you feel relaxed and our girls just melt my heart:

The twin's 'K's may not have been perfect, but Ev took a nap for the first time in forever; which was kind of perfect:

Tenley made a Family Tree at school on Wednesday and it was so cute (she even included Pearl):

Evie loves our ornaments that play music. She's always pressing the buttons and doing a little jig:

Since Ev missed dance class last week, she had a makeup class Wednesday night. She looked so cute and was so happy to be there:

Tenley practiced her hair skills on Sunny and did a pretty killer braid, then had me braid her hair:

The twins also made Family Trees at school and Ev's cracked me up because she put Ed all by himself (she's absolutely a mommy's girl):

Ev nuzzled up to me Friday morning and looked like an angel as I snuck out of bed:

While Tenley was at school making Christmas crafts, the twins and I met the Poes at Fun Lane for some fun:

Evie was back to dance Saturday morning and in her element:

Before leaving for my work Christmas party, we had fun playing 'Hands Down' and watching the kids sword fight: 

Saturday was the first night we ever had a babysitter put the kids to bed and man was it nice! We had so much fun celebrating Christmas with my Pure Barre Henderson family and had so many laughs with this crew:

After teaching Sunday morning, we had a very lazy afternoon followed by our annual trip to Ethel M.'s cactus garden:

Until next time! :)

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