Green Thumb Tenley woke up bright and early Monday morning and made sure she watered her flowers and spices:
After dropping T off at school, the twins and I made a quick trip to the grocery store where they had mini shopping carts. Little Ev was in her glory:
While at the grocery store Wes spotted his favorite candy, Skittles, and insisted on eating them at the park with his sis. Since he's the sweetest, we did as he requested:
They spent forever in "Spiderman's Web" playing and talking about superheroes:
This week the kids are learning about the letter 'U' and Tenley was pretty proud of her unicycle:
Pop Pop arrived that morning and the kids were very anxious for his arrival:
As soon as he arrived, Tenley went into hiding so Pop Pop could come find her and the twins went running to him:
The twins learned about the letter 'U' Tuesday morning, while Tenley got in some quality time with Pop Pop:
After school we went to 'Rachel's Kitchen' with Pop Pop for lunch:
Wes woke up early Wednesday morning and played Power Rangers with Pop Pop:
While Pop Pop went golfing Wednesday morning, I took the kids to Kangamoo and they had so much fun playing together:

When I picked Tenley up from school, Miss Diane told me that Tenley got a star because she was "extra awesome". Her teachers are always raving about how smart and helpful she is and I could literally listen to it all day! I'm so proud of the smart little cookie that she is:
While the twins were in school Thursday morning, Tenley and I did our grocery shopping for the week. Costco always has the best flowers and Tenley picked out one to "show Daddy how loved he is." When we got home I gave her vases and she arranged the flowers:
The twins also did good on their rainbow writing and book of opposites:
I made everyone french toast Friday morning while Pop Pop read Tenley her new 'Beauty & The Beast' magazine:
We spent the morning at the park enjoying the sunshine and our last hours with Pop Pop:
(Miss you already!!)
Tenley was super proud of the necklace she made at school on Friday. I've never seen anyone rock a noodle necklace like this chick:
That afternoon, my best friend of 16 years was coming to town with her fam! I was giddy with excitement, but Wes couldn't hang and fell asleep right after we picked them up from the airport:
The kids (and Pearl) were so excited to hold and play with baby Lukey:
Since I had a class at 4:30, Ed volunteered to watch Luke so I could take Amy with me. It was beyond fun to have her in my class smiling at me and beyond sweet to know that our kids were playing together:
Ed was on Dance Duty Saturday morning while I was in baby whisperer mode. I hung with The Chiesas all morning and afternoon and legit almost peed my pants numerous times. Everyone kept telling Amy and I that we should start charging because being around us was too funny (not sure Carll would agree). Luke and I quickly became besties, too. I got him taking lots of steps and got him to sleep twice:
That evening the Chiesas came over for dinner and the kids were so happy to play with Aunt Amy! It felt unreal that she was in my house. I just kept waiting for someone to pinch me. It felt like it was 2005 again and we were just hanging out (+4 kids):
(6 months vs 3+ years)
(Empty chair for Al.)
I may be the only person who doesn't have snapchat, but I refuse to cave and give my phone anymore of my time. Amy has snapchat; which makes her way cooler than me. The girls had so much fun playing on snapchat with Amy and I can't stop laughing at the millions of videos they made:
Sunday was 'Mighty Morphin' Time' for the boys! Wes has been obsessed with Power Rangers for months now and I love it! I remember being little and pretending I was the pink power ranger. Wes was so stoked to spend some alone time with Daddy at the movies (and of course Daddy bought him a big bag of Skittles):
While the boys were gone, I enjoyed my girls and the sunshine. We chalked up the backyard and had so much fun together:
When the boys walked in the door Ev yelled, "Brudda!!!! I missed you!!" and Wes said, "I was afraid I never gunna see you again!!" Then they wrapped their arms around each other and hugged. I legit think I stopped breathing for a few seconds. Some days I feel like I'm ailing as a mom, but then there are moments like that that just turn me to a pile of mush!
Once everyone was home, the Chiesas came to say goodbye. It was awful only having a few days with them, but we made the best of our time and we're sure gonna miss them:
Wes cheered me up by playing "Bat Cop":
Until next time! :)