Sunday, March 19, 2017

Weekly Update

The twins and I spent Monday morning at the park. The weather has been too perfect to pass up time outside. Ev and Wes were all smiles the entire time: 

After playing at the park, I braved the nail salon with Ev and Wes. Ev sat on my lap in awe as I got my nails painted mint green, while Wes played with his villains in the chair next to me. A lady came and sat in the chair across from him and he said to her, "me no want my nails painted! I a boy." Yes, Wes, you are such a boy:

Tenley also had a great Monday morning. She brought home a shamrock and I had no idea what it was so she explained to me that the squares had letters on them and when they heard the teacher say that letter's sound they had to glue it on the shamrock. I thought that was such a great idea and she said it was a lot of fun, too:

We met some friends at the park and Tenley had so much fun swinging with her gal pals. Going to the park with her is so different than going with the twins. We're at the point where I can sit in the shade and watch her play and pump on the swings by herself. It's quite sad to think that she doesn't need me to play or do these things. She is growing so much, but will always be my little babe:

The twins had a good day at school and Ev showed me their shamrocks when they got home:

Ev isn't one for "relaxation time" because she doesn't like being out of my sight. While I worked on creating a class she played and then cuddled me on the couch before passing out. I can always count on her to make me feel needed:

While I worked out, Ed treated the kids to popsicles outside and they were in Heaven:

Believe it or not, but Wednesday, March 15th, marked 14 years since Ed and I made it "official". I reminisced by reading notes he wrote me in High School about how someday he'd make me his wife. We're so lucky to have found each other so early on in life and I will cherish these treasures forever:

The twins and I spent Wednesday morning at the park. They are at thee best age and really like to use their imagination when playing. They imagine that things are mountains or boats and the conversations that they have make me giggle. Playing with them is a real hoot:

When we picked Tenley up from school she was talking a mile per minute. She was so excited because they set up a leprechaun trap and made leprechaun hats to wear to visit the nursing home on Friday. They also practiced cutting out circles and she did a really good job:

 The twins woke up snotty on Thursday. Although I thought it was just allergies I decided to keep them home from school to play it safe. We laid low, then did some grocery shopping where Tenley scored some new sunnies:

Later in the day, the weather was too perfect not to be outside. The kids had a blast playing on the swing set and pushing each other down the slide:

I tried earning cool mom points for St. Patrick's Day by making green pancakes with green sprinkles for breakfast and it was a total success:

Tenley made sure that everyone wore green so they didn't get pinched by a leprechaun:

The twins and I spent the morning at the park enjoying the sunshine:

Tenley had so much fun entertaining the Grandmas and Grandpas at The Beehive Friday morning. All the kids wore their hats and did the Irish jig for everyone. Tenley was all smiles when she left and was so excited that she got her very own pot of gold to take home and share with brother and sissy:

Before going in their rooms to relax Tenley said to me, "mom I need to confess...some of the Grandmas and Grandpas at The Beehive can't breath. Please forgive me. I saw Brooke stand on one of their tubes and didn't tell on her cause I wanted to be a good friend. Will they be okay?" Poor thing was so worried about the grandma, but her sweetness just killed me! She begged Ed to make a leprechaun trap that evening so while I was at work the kids painted a box and found gold jewelry to use as bait:

My sweet Ev just hasn't been into dance recently. It breaks my heart because she loved it so much and now that the class is full she's feeling extra shy. Tenley, on the other hand, doesn't stop moving during her class. She loves it and the girls so much, but mostly her and Isla are in "Tenley/Isla Land" the whole time:

The fam dropped me off at work Saturday afternoon and went to get a cold treat while I taught class. They enjoyed their alone time with daddy and their ice cream:

Ev fell asleep on the way home and looked like an angel:

I caught the girls taking a selfie with my phone and laugh every time I see it:

We took the kids to see 'Beauty and The Beast' Sunday morning and they were so excited! Tenley made sure everyone channeled their inner character. She had to wear yellow and a half bun to channel Belle. She also wanted me to cut up a pair of Wes' shorts to resemble the Beast, but settled with jean shorts and taught Ev how to pose like a tea pot. Her imagination and enthusiasm is the best! The movie was so good and so were the kids:

(The twins love the Llama Llama books and Wes calls them Slamma Jamma so when Ed saw this he had to take a pic!)

Until next week! :)

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