Ed and I had a very busy Monday with the twins. First, we had to go to my doctor's office to have my staples removed, then the twins had an appointment with their pediatrician to check their weight. Since our morning was busy and boring for Tenley, Grammy and Pop-Pop took T to Egg Works for breakfast, then went to play with T's baby cousin:
As if our Monday wasn't busy enough, we took the twins to get their newborn photos taken by Amanda at Triple Vision Studios. By the looks of our sneak peek, they are beyond adorable:
Since Tuesday was Ed's last day at home (whomp, whomp, whomp), we had a super lazy day planned; which consisted of everyone wearing their PJs all day and it was absolutely perfect:
My in-laws spent Wednesday morning with my brother-in-law's family so it was officially my first day home alone with all three kiddos. To make the morning better, we had our besties come over to keep us company:
Our first day alone went great, but we were all excited when Daddy got home from work and Grammy and Gramps came to play:
The twins must've been exhausted the next day because they cuddled the entire day away; which couldn't have been any cuter:
Tenley and I went "fishing" as we waited for Grammy and Gramps to pick her up to take her to the dog park at my brother-in-law's:
While Tenley was having fun with her grandparents, I had a special visitor all the way from Colorado...Chelsea!! We spent the morning catching up, cuddling the twins and crying at their adorableness:
(HAHA! Love you, Chels!)
The kiddos and I watched cartoons in bed before getting our Friday started:
(Is it just me or does it look like she has her Momma's pinkies?!)
When Ed got home from work we headed to O'Callaghan Park with Chels to get some family pics. Tenley must've ate a box of pixie sticks because we couldn't even get her to take one picture. Baby girl just wanted to play:
We picked up some pizza on the way home and Tenley devoured it:
Once T's belly was full she was all about holding the babies and taking pictures (go figure!):
Then, T ended the night playing dress-up with her cousin:
Our cuddle monster, Wes, only sleeps good at night when he's being held and it was so sweet to see my two guys sleeping like this:
Grammy and Pop-Pop took the girls to see Disney on Ice Saturday morning and treated them to VIP seats in the 6th row! Talk about spoiled grandkids. Tenley was a total angel the whole time. She sat on Grammy's lap and watched the entire show; which never happens when we take her. She was so good that she even got to pick out a princess purse and light-up crown. She had a blast waving at all of her favorite Disney characters with Grammy and Pop-Pop:
While everyone had fun at Disney on Ice, Ed and I spent the morning cuddling our littles while watching our latest obsession- Sons of Anarchy:
Grammy and Gramps got their cuddles from the twins in after Disney on Ice:
The twins were still awake when we gave T a bath so we propped them up on T's bean bag and Tenley thought it was hilarious. She was buck naked, sitting next to them and squealing with laughter:
Little Evie's umbilical cord fell off during the night:
We spent Sunday morning being lazy with the kiddos:
Since it was my in-laws last day in town, we attempted to take a pic of them with all three kids, but Tenley was NOT having it:

We said goodbye to my in-laws that afternoon and it was the hardest goodbye yet. Spending the last 3 weeks with my mother-in-law and 10 days with my father-in-law was such a fun time. I don't know how we would've gotten through the end of my pregnancy and first week with the twins without them. They are such a blessing in our lives and I'm so grateful to have them for parents and even more grateful to have them as grandparents to our kids. We miss you both already and are counting down the days until your next visit in April!
Since Ev's umbilical cord fell off we decided to give her her first bath and give Wes a sponge bath. Ev was NOT a fan, but Wes loved it and didn't make a peep the whole time:
The twins were extra sleepy after their baths:
Since both babes were passed out, we got to give T a bath together and she loved the extra alone time with us (and so did we!):
Tenley's latest thing is to say, "gotchoo Momma!" and I finally caught her saying it on tape:
Until next week! :)
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