Evie woke up throwing up Monday morning and the poor little peanut (or little walnut, as Tenley calls her) was so miserable:
After dropping T off at school and getting puked on twice at Target, we finally made it home with Tylenol, bubble bath and bath toys to hopefully clean off that throw up smell in a fun way. Wes loved it, but Ev wasn't impressed:
Tenley started the week off by learning about the letter 'P' at school. They made a "pasta girl", practiced their 'P's on their pickle paper and even ate pickles for their snacks:
Ev refused to take a nap because she wanted to nurse so badly, but I wouldn't let her because I didn't want her to get sick again. She eventually fell asleep in my arms while begging me for milk:
Evie's nap instantly made her feel better and she began to play, again. We took it easy by coloring and practicing our letters:
The kids and I were super thrilled that Ev was back to her sweet self so we took silly selfies to celebrate (cause that's how one celebrates, right?):
Wes insisted on eating Bagel Bites for breakfast Tuesday morning AND in his Mickey choo-choo train, nonetheless:
Evie was still in a cuddly mood and chose to snuggle with me at nap time instead of Wessie Boy:
After "relaxation time" Tenley was complaining of her foot itching and it turned out that her whole body was breaking out in hives:
After filling the tub up with our new Honest Bubble Bath we began to put two and two together and realized that T could be having an allergic reaction to it. She has super sensitive skin and when she was younger she had a reaction to this random bubble bath, but I thought this kind would be okay since it is non-hypoallergenic. Guess not! Not using bubbles sucks because it makes bath time so much fun for the kiddos:
While pregnant with the twins, my mom bought the kids Cardinal Mooney sweatshirts with their names on the back. It was so sweet seeing the kids wear the sweaters of the high school that I fell in love with Ed at, thus making them possible. Tenley thought it was really cool that they all matched:
(Thanks, mom!!)
I tried snapping a pic of Ev in her sweatshirt since she wasn't feeling it earlier, but she was more into her Pedialyte and Wes was all about his Fur Love- Pearl:
Wednesdays are "number" days at school and Tenley did a really good job sorting her pasta with the correct number and counting presents...all about the letter 'P':
I've really been encouraging Tenley to not be shy about what she learns at school and she really opened up about some things she has learned (without knowing that I was filming her):
Ev and Wes have been such daredevils recently and their newest thing is standing on their chairs:
I took the kids to the park Thursday morning and we had the whole park to ourselves! I was surprised by how easy it was at the park with all three, but they were truly on their best behavior for some odd reason. It was a super fun morning and it was just what we needed after Ev being sick:
While at the park, hives began to appear all over Tenley so we had to leave:
The park really wore the kids out, but Wes was extremely exhausted:
While Tenley was off at the doc's, the daredevil duo was at it again with their chairs:
Tenley's ped said it was likely the bubble bath that Tenley had an allergic reaction to and informed us that she could get random hives for the next two weeks. Luckily, she just has to take Zyrtec nightly and it'll keep the hives at bay.
The twins woke up at 4:30am on Friday and it was rough, to say the least. To survive until nap time we had to do something that made them smile so I took them to the park while Tenley was at school. They were all smiles as they held hands and went up and down the slide over and over again:
Our park date ended when the sprinklers went off and were spraying all over the place. Wes is still talking about how he got "wa-wa" on his head:
At school Tenley's Teacher's wore Pig slippers and read the kids "If You Give a Pig a Pancake". Tenley told me all about this day because she had a blast mixing the batter and even told me that she was a "professional baker". She couldn't wait to try it and was sneaking bites as soon as we got in the garage:
(I think this is one of my favorite pics because it is so Tenley!)
The kids were supposed to decorate their pancakes with smiley faces, but Tenley told me she made hers with hair, too:
She even shared her pancake with Sweet Tooth Evie:
The twins napped with all their Disney stuffed animals while I smashed on so coffee and cookies from Von's:
(Don't worry I didn't eat them all, although I wanted to!)
While the babes napped, Tenley and I worked on her new ABC Mouse App and she is already learning so much:
I took Tenley to dance Saturday morning and was so impressed with her listening skills. She did so well and made a great line leader:
The weather was perfect Sunday morning so we took the kids to the park and had it all to ourselves, again! It was the perfect morning and got us so excited for the warmer weather that's headed our way:
I kind of think Wes has the cutest voice and I just love when he learns new words because it makes me smile. His newest words are 'nice' + 'please' and the way he says them is the cutest:
We had a great week and we're so lucky we got to have so much fun due to the sunshine!
Until next time! :)