Tenley was super excited about the valentine she made at school so I hung it on the back door where we could all admire it:
The Valentine must've put everyone in a lovey dovey mood because the kids were playing so nicely together and would not stop hugging each other:
We're getting into a new nap time routine now that the babes stopped breastfeeding and it's been so nice to put all the kids in my bed and cuddle with them at nap time. Even if Tenley pretend "sleeps" it still melts my heart to see them all cuddled in bed next to me:
I got the kids ready to go to the park Tuesday morning and they looked as cute as could be in their matching shirts:
Since they looked extra cute I brought my camera to snap some pics while they played. Good thing because stupid me forgot my phone at home! When I parked I put my camera around my neck and started to get the kids out of the car. It got a little hectic while unloading the kids and I must've dropped the car keys in Wes' seat. I went to lock the car and realized I locked my keys in the car. I didn't panic because I've done this before and knew I could just call Ed and have him unlock the car from the OnStar app on his phone. I found a nice lady at the park and called Ed from her phone, but he didn't answer so I texted him and asked him to unlock the car. While waiting for the car to be unlocked, the kids and I had a blast collecting rocks and looking for bunnies:
After looking for bunnies, we headed back to the car and it was still locked so we made our way to the playground. I borrowed a family's phone to call Ed again, but still didn't get an answer so I left him a voicemail. I began to panic a bit. Luckily, we went to Acacia park; which is super close to Karina's. I tried putting off walking over there since my kids were still a tad sick and I knew her whole fam was sick, too. Since I was out of options, I scooped up the twins and walked to her house with Tenley in tow. My arms never burned so much in my life. I knocked on Karina's door and explained my stupidity and she welcomed us in with open arms. I seriously don't know what I would've done without her- she's always so reliable and sweet! I called Ed from her phone and he unlocked the car instantly. Wayne drove me back to the park, then we ended up hanging out at Karina's for a bit. Our eventful morning made for good naps:
(Thanks for being such a lifesaver, Karina!!)
While the twins napped, T painted her elephant that Miss Linda gave her since she missed a class about the letter 'E'. She also made Daddy a Valentine:
Evie has become addicted to cottage cheese. It's literally the only thing she wants to eat and she gobbles it up:
The kids got early Valentine boxes from Crandma Cath, Grammy and Pop Pop. They love getting mail, especially when it's from their grandparents:
(Thanks guys!!)
Tenley has been writing non-stop lately, then she insists on hanging her "art". I'm so stinking proud of her so I proudly display it all over the house and it now looks like one massive playroom. I thought this one was especially sweet because if you look close enough you'll see that she wrote "Tenley <3 comment-3--="" isla="">3>
Tenley was so excited for her valentine party Wednesday morning and couldn't wait to give the kids the valentine bag that she stuffed with tons of goodies, including princess cards that she proudly wrote her name on:
While T was off celebrating Valentine's Day at school, the babes and I fueled up with our daily smoothie and they were really into helping me make it:
After getting our smoothie fix, Ev and Wes brought out their artistic sides while painting a masterpiece:
Tenley was so excited about the valentines she got at school and had to open them all up to show brother and sister:
All that painting really exhausted Ev and Wes:
I got in an early workout Thursday morning while T was busy being the best big sister. While I sweated to the oldies she played with the twins, taught them how to write numbers and played dress up. Her sistering skills blow me away:
I took the kids outside to play and Tenley was not having it. She moped the whole time because she "missed Addysen". The twins didn't let her mood get them down and they still had fun:
Tenley finally cheered up after swinging and the promise of painting pinecones:
Turns out pinecones have little creepy crawlies in them so we quickly threw them back outside and switched to rocks:
Nap time was a breeze again thanks to the fresh air:
While Ev and Wes napped Tenley worked on valentines for her dance friends and worked on tracing letters in her Star Wars workbook:
After naps, the kids insisted on painting again (I swear it's all they want to do) so we gave them bird houses so we could have a little village in the backyard:
(Ev, Wes and Tee-Tee's bird houses.)
After dropping Tenley off at school Friday morning, Erin and I took the kids on my all time favorite walk. It was a rough walk with the double strollers, but we made it to the top:
We stopped at a park on the way back, walked to pick T up, played at another park, then walked home. Working out with friends is the best! It was a busy morning, but we had so much fun:
When we got home, Tenley was excited to show me the valentine she made for Ed and I:
Ed surprised me when he said "go get your nails done" when he got home. It was extra nice since it's been over six months since I've had them done! Tenley was so excited when I got home that she had to have her nails painted right away (which meant everyone had to get a pedi!):
(Don't judge! You try denying that boy when he's begging and saying, "boo, peas! Peas! Peas, momma!")
Ev looked so cute as she peed on the potty with her dark pink piggies on display:
Tenley got in sister cuddles before we headed to dance class:
We went to Target after dance and Tenley had to have this dress. How could I say no the day before Valentine's Day? I couldn't and it absolutely made her day:
The twins cuddled so sweetly at nap time:
After naps, we BBQ'ed and played outside since the weather has been gorgeous:
After dinner I found some selfies that Tenley took and I was cracking up:
We planned on taking the kids to the park for Valentine's Day and Tenley insisted on wearing her new dress and having her hair straightened. I pretty much give my kids whatever they want so I followed her instructions and I couldn't believe how grown up my baby looked:
We stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get the kids a Valentine's Day treat and met the Espejos at the park. We had such a good morning playing soccer, frisbee and swinging on the swings with our friends:
After the park, Ed treated me by dropping me off at my first Barre3 class with Erin while he took the kids to lunch at Panera. I had an amazing first class and loved it! After all that, we went home for "family nap time" and Tenley actually napped:
Tenley woke up before the twins so she made another masterpiece with Daddy:
This one cracks me up because she said the blue person is Addy, purple is Fable, she's yellow and the dark purple is Tempe (a girl from school's new baby sister). I love that she loves her friends so much:
That night we played outside and ate our pasta and meatballs on the patio:
Thanks to our family and friends who sent us sweet valentines and I'm sorry that I slacked this year and didn't mail valentines. A special thanks to Ed for spoiling me all weekend! We had such a great Valentine's Day and an all around fantastic week filled with so much LOVE. I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day and we'll see you next week! :)
Hi Kelli! I loved this post! May I ask where you got the kid's personalized aprons? They are so adorable! 😍
Thanks, Emily! I actually made the aprons. I bought plain white aprons at Michael's, my friend made the name design, I printed the design on iron transferring paper from Staples and ironed them on! I made them for all the guests at the twins bday party and we use them daily! :)
DeleteWow that is so crafty!