My early mornin' alarm clocks a.k.a. Ev + Wes were ready to go at 5:30am. Since we had to be super quiet as to not wake Tenley, they did my 21 Day Fix workout with me:
On our way to take T to school we saw the most amazing views of all the snow on the mountains surrounding our house. The mountains are my favorite thing about living here (besides the people) and in the 8 years that we've lived in Henderson I've never seen them look so beautiful:
We recently cleaned our garage and as soon as we pulled into the garage Wes noticed Tenley's pink Minnie Mouse potty on the garage shelves. He was excitedly yelling, "Peek! Peek! MiMi! Poo-poo peek MiMi!" I finally caught on to what he was hollering about and asked him if he wanted to be a big boy and use the potty. He was so excited about it that he couldn't get his pants off fast enough. Big boy peed on the potty and got a blue sucker for being so awesome. He was so excited that he was saying "tub tub! (thumbs up!)":
Monday was a review day at school and Tenley brought home this little craft:
I kept Tenley occupied with coloring books while I focused on potty training Wes:
Wes was up early again Tuesday morning so we practiced our colors while playing with blocks. Little smarty pants shut down my filming when the light was too bright for his liking (the flash is totally necessary when it's only 5am):
Ev woke up with a runny nose Tuesday morning, but was adamant on being just like her bro and boycotted diapers. We celebrated with lollipops when everyone was doing good:
I only managed to get Wes down for a nap which was fine by me because then I only had to worry about one babe peeing on the carpet:
We were woken up by screams coming out of Tenley's bedroom Tuesday night. When we rushed in there she said she bit her tongue and then she started throwing up blood. It was beyond bizarre. The poor girl is just like her Daddy and breaks the blood vessels around her eyes whenever she throws up. She thought it meant she was sick so she really layed it on and had me send Grammy a pic of her "being miserable":
I kept T home from school (just incase) and focused on getting the twins to use the potty. Wes was doing good, but Ev prefers to hold everything in and look cute on the potty:
We all cuddled in bed together and this time Ev was the only one who ended up napping:
Ev woke up in a great mood and was thrilled to be wearing undies just like her bro, although BOTH of them were just peeing all over the carpet:
Thursday was a new day and I was determined to help them get better, but boy was it hard to keep them on the potty! I felt like a magician doing tricks all day to keep them entertained:
Luckily, Tenley was being a great big sister and kept their mind off the potty:
The twins were so proud of wearing big kid underpants that they just wanted to show them off AND pee in them; which led to no clothes at all:
Nap time has been hit or miss around here since the twins are adjusting to not having milk. Most of the time I manage to get one of the twins down for a nap while Tenley pretend snores in bed:
Sleeping and fake sleeping really put these two in a great mood:
Tenley brought Valentine's cookies to school for snack time and the twins were crazy jealous so I treated them to some cookies when we got home:
Tenley is beginning to be a pro at writing her name so she was super excited when they did name writing exercises. She was also very proud of the log cabin she made:
Tenley and I cuddled with the twins to get them to fall asleep at nap time, then she "slept" for a few minutes, too:
I secretly taped Tenley as she practiced tracing her letters and I'm so proud of how well she has been doing recently:
I went to Barnes & Noble Friday night and it was so peaceful to look at books without kids running around. I found these Star Wars workbooks for T and she loves them! They are super educational and a must for any Star Wars fans:
Wes woke up at 4:20am Saturday morning and passed out on the couch before the girls even woke up:
Tenley and I went to pick out her school Valentines and she fell in love with a massive "polar bear" in the Valentine section:
Tenley was so excited for dance since she missed last weeks class. This girl would dance ALL day if she had it her way:
Since the twins are sick, Tenley and I went to Lily and Olivia's birthday party solo. I was so bummed that the twins couldn't come with us because I knew it was going to be a fun time, especially since I knew Minnie Mouse would be there! Tenley made a friend as soon as we got there and they were inseparable the whole time. The kids freaked when Minnie arrived and they shadowed her the whole time. Lil and Liv looked as cute as could be and we had a blast celebrating their second birthday:
(Happy birthday girls!!)
I'm pretty sure I finally caught what the twins had because I woke up feeling awful on Sunday. Now Ed and I were both sick. Potty training got pushed to the back burner because we weren't up to the challenge. We managed to get everyone to nap so we could also relax:
I couldn't kick the nauseous feeling that I had all morning and I ended up sleeping through the first half of the Super Bowl. I woke up just in time to watch the halftime show; which was ah-mazing! The went back to sleep as soon as the show ended. I am so lucky Ed took care of the kids so I could get better!
Until next time! :)
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