Mondays usually suck, but I put smiles on the kid's faces with smiley face pancakes. Blueberry for Wes, chocolate chip for T and Sprinkles for Ev, per their requests:
We spent Monday morning at the M with the Rice gals. The water was chilly for it being over 100 degrees outside, but we made the best of it and had fun with our buds:
The Venturino crew came over Tuesday morning. Everyone loved that Baby Tina can now interact with them and couldn't stop smothering her with lovins:
(Seriously kills me!)
Evie slept in like a little angel Wednesday morning:
I wanted to do something special for the twins since they have been doing so well on the potty. I let them each pick 1 thing to do and they were pretty excited about being in control of our morning:
Wes wanted to "feed douggies" so I took the kids to the Veteran's Memorial Park in Boulder City. It's such a beautiful park that it's hard to not have fun there. Ev picked off the teeniest tiniest pieces of bread and made sure it lasted her the entire time. On the other hand, Wes just blasted full slices of bread at the ducks. Tenley played the role as safety police and made sure no one touched the water. The kids had so much fun exploring and I think each duck had a full belly after we left:
After feeding the ducks, we headed to Ev's portion of the morning- ice cream, of course! We went to Chilly Jilly'z and the kids each scooped their own toppings for their vanilla ice cream:

The twins made the silliest faces and shivered as they shoveled their cold ice cream in their mouths:
The kids wanted to sit outside and watch the big trucks pass by before we left. At first Wes wanted kisses from Evie and she wasn't into it, then she wanted kisses from Wessie and he was done with her at that point. He yelled, "no mo moochies, Evie!", but she still went after the smooch with a big ol' smile on her face:
The twins were exhausted after our busy morning that they quickly passed out in my bed:
For dinner I made one of my favorite new meals, spicy grilled chicken with baja black beans and rice. You gotta try this recipe; it will not disappoint:
(I make my chicken a little different, though. I cube it up, add the seasonings, cook it and keep it in the pan with everything else the whole time. Oh, and for a bonus add avocado, sour cream and some shredded cheddar!!)
We met the Medranos at the splash pad Thursday morning and I couldn't drive past Dunkin' Donuts without getting some for everyone. It was absolute torture to not eat any because they looked so freaking delish:
Of course, the kids ripped into them before they ran a muck on the splash pad. Well, everyone else ran around like crazy, but sweet tooth Evie stayed and ate her weight in donuts:
(That Boston Kreme should've been mine.)
The kids went back and forth between the playground and splash pad, just having a blast together. Their friendship is so sweet and I could watch them play all day:
I bought a few Lily and Laura bracelets from Pure Barre and fell in love with them. I loved them so much that I wanted more. I fell in love with the brand and their backstory. Each bracelet is hand crocheted by a woman in Nepal; which is amazing that this company is supporting these woman and helping them live a better life. The bracelets are packaged with a signature from the woman who hand crocheted them. I just love everything about these bracelets:
That night I was telling Ed how I wanted to go to Lululemon to buy their new Dottie Tribe pants and figured he was just going to roll his eyes at me, but he said, "the last pair in Vegas just might be waiting for you in the bathroom." I kind of squealed and ran in their to check. Ed knows the way to my heart is through Lulu and absolutely spoils me. I am one lucky girl:
Friday was a lazy day around here. The kids spent most of the day lounging and being silly:
The day after I got my Lily and Laura bracelets in the mail I got an e-mail from them telling me they chose me as one of their new Brand Ambassadors. I'm so excited since it's such an incredible company. They are stunning and go with every outfit...from home, to the gym and to the bar! Check them out; they do not disappoint (and use code 'ditatadaily' at checkout for 20% off!):
Saturday morning was a big day for ME. I know it may not seem like a big deal, but I took my 100th Pure Barre class! I've been doing it for 4 months now and love that it has helped me feel like myself again. When my muscles are shaking at the barre I'm only thinking about myself for once; which is such a metal release for me, almost like a therapy session. I can't get enough of it and all the instructors are just the sweetest! It's safe to say that Pure Barre Henderson is my home away from home:
After my 100th class, we took the kids to see their cousins. Tenley was smitten with her newest cousin and looked so proud as she held her:
Uncle Ed was a natural and was over the moon with her, too. It's easy to love such a sweet face with chunky thighs that you could squeeze all day:
This week was surrounded by so much love that it makes my heart so happy!
Until next week! :)
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