Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Weekly Update

The twins were up before the sun Monday morning. We even managed to play outside for an hour before Tenley even woke up! The twins (and Pearl) enjoyed our "one-on-one" time:

Evie is a girl of few words, but she's been saying much more these days. I got her to say her name and she says it so sweetly:

Wes passed out on the couch because he was exhausted from our morning outside:

The kids woke up in super silly moods on Tuesday:

I took the kids to the M pool and we had so much fun together. The kids were so well behaved and would've swam all day, if I let them:

For some reason the pool didn't tire Ev out, but Wes slept for hours and had to be woken up:

We got a taste of monsoon season and the rain was so peaceful as I drove to barre:

The kids woke up super early Wednesday and were total couch potatoes:

Since the kids were up so early, I took the kids for a wagon ride with frozen yogurt. Although they had a blast, I was dying from the heat (at 8am):

Ev and Wes were being lovey dovey before naps and turned my heart to a pile of mush:

It's been forever since we've been to Run Plus Fun so we met the Poes there. Tenley had to "make friends her age" so she was off the whole time with her new friends, while Ev and Wes explored the new place and loved it:

Friday morning was another gloomy day; which had the kids super chill. We spent most of our morning cuddling on the couch, watching movies and taking long naps:

The kids got a package from Grandma Cath Saturday and immediately busted open the new toys, but the big hit was the Nemo snorkeling gear:

(Thanks, Grandma Cath!! We love you!!)

Tenley got in some cuddle time with Daddy before bed:

Alena Bug turned 3 on Sunday! It's hard to believe as it feels like I was just watching her be born. She is the sassiest, but sweetest little stinker and we had so much fun celebrating her birthday at the park:

(Happy birthday, Lena Bug!! We love your crazy/sweet self!!)

The kids were exhausted after our morning at the park and I even got in some sweet cuddles from Evie Cakes:

After naps, we headed to the Westin to have dinner and cool off in the pool. The pool was packed, but that didn't stop them from working on their cannon balls:

This week really had me feeling blessed to be at home with my kids. Most of their days are jam packed with fun and I get to witness it. I'm loving the stage we're at in life and I wouldn't change a thing!

Until next time! :)

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