Monday had the most perfect overcast; which made Tenley Bear's swim lessons much more bearable for us all:
Although it was approximately 111 degrees on Tuesday, the twins enjoyed watching Tenley swim and chatting with the turtles:
You may remember that the kids made Ed a pink glittery tool belt for Father's Day, well Ed forgot it on the fireplace Monday; which broke Tenley's heart. She immediately had me text him to tell him how heartbroken she was and he responded with telling her that he didn't know where she put it and had been crying all day at work without it. Apparently he told his buddies at work about it and on Tuesday they made him actually wear the tool belt on the job site. Ed sent me pics that his friend took and said, "tell Tenley I don't know how I was able to work before I had my new tool belt." I didn't have my phone on me all day and saw his texts just as I laid down with the kids for naps. I was laughing so hard and had to show the kids:
Needless to say, Ed's texts made the kids so freaking giddy. Wes couldn't fall asleep after seeing the pics because he was too excited and kept saying, "Dada. Pink. Tool belt." and laughing, while Tenley was smiling ear-to-ear:
Tenley did great at swim Wednesday morning and Miss Michele even told me that she felt Tenley was ready to "graduate"; which was sad for her since she loves swimming so much, but exciting for me because my schedule will be completely free, for once! Tenley swam her heart out and had fun looking for bunnies afterwards:
Ev wasn't feeling nap time and just wanted to hang with Pearl and I instead:
Tenley and I were in major need of a haircut so instead of taking her to Sharkey's for a trim, I took her with me to Circa Salon for her first real life salon experience. She was so excited for Trevor (Fable's dad) to cut her hair and Fable even came to keep her company and get a haircut, too. The kids had a ball helping Trevor wash the towels and watching each other have their hair washed. Tenley absolutely loved when Lyndsey washed her hair like a "big girl". This girl definitely loves being pampered:
Poor Evie is getting her 2nd two-year-old molar and has been such a grump. She came into our bed Thursday morning telling me that her neck hurt; which broke my heart to hear her soft voice say, "hutt" as she clenched her neck. Thank God Tenley can always put a smile on her face:
The kids were being so silly as we headed out the door for swim:
Tenley did awesome at swim on Thursday. The teachers are sort of letting her let loose and do more of what she wants; which involved a lot of cannon balls and swimming under the water:
Ev had an accident (this hasn't been her best week); which lead to morning baths and the kids could not have had more fun:
(I think the water started to scare Ev and her face freaking cracks me up!)
The early bath really relaxed the twins and they both fell asleep easily at nap time:
Tenley had her LAST day of swim on Friday. I know she will miss it and eventually I will too, but we're really looking forward to not baking in the sun while she gets to swim in a pool:
(If their faces don't scream 'over it' then I don't know what does!)
Since no one napped, Evie decided to give herself a make over:
Although by picture standards we were having a pretty kick ass week, I was having a mentally exhausting week. Since Ed knows how much I love and need Pure Barre to clear my mind, he sent me off to barre while he took all the kids to T's dance rehearsal:
I spent my Saturday morning at the barre, then took the kids outside to ride their bikes and dang was it hot! We were literally dripping with sweat and only lasted 20 minutes:
After being out in the blazing heat, the twins napped for 4 hours and I had to wake Ev up so we could all get ready for Tenley's recital:
Tenley has been beyond excited for her recital that it couldn't come soon enough! She was so thrilled to see her and Isla in the program and loved all the 'Time of Your Life' decor:
Tenley has been loving KISS' song "Rock and Roll All Nite" so it was pretty freaking awesome to have "KISS" open the show:
Tenley's performance to 'Angel of Mine' was adorable and I'd be lying if I didn't say it choked me up seeing her sing her heart out in front of everyone:
I was a sobbing mess seeing all the older girls doing their Senior dances. It brought back so many memories of watching my cousins, Sara and Jill, perform. I could still remember the Father/Daughter dance Sara did with Uncle Bill. Thinking of that being Tenley some day really got to me. I laughed and cried throughout the entire finale. It was such a fun end to the show and Tenley had us cracking up when she moved up to the very front and started spinning. She is such a little performer and we couldn't be more proud of her:
Tenley has been looking forward to Addysen's 5th birthday party since we got the invitation in the mail. All the kids (minus the twins) sat and really enjoyed the movie, while Ev and Wes played musical chairs the entire time. I honestly don't know what happened in the movie, but seeing Tenley celebrating her friend that she loves so much was heart warming:
(Happy birthday, Addy! We love you sweet girl!)
We had such a busy, but fun week! I can officially say that we've completed preschool, basketball, swim and dance. Now we can truly enjoy a bit of relaxation before the craziness begins again in the Fall!
Until next time! :)
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