Sunday, April 9, 2017

Weekly Update

Wes slept in Monday morning; which is not like him at all. He was sound asleep when we needed to leave to take Tenley to school:

We made it to school just in time and Tenley was so excited to learn about the letter 'W':

While T was at school, the twins and I had fun exploring and playing at the park:

(That scrunchy nose!!)

While the twins were at school on Tuesday, Tenley and I met some friends at the park:

The twins were excited to learn about 'W' for Wesley and declared it his week:

On the way to drop T off Wednesday morning, the twins were playing footsie and it was the cutest thing:

After dropping T off, we went home and got ready for the day. We played outside, then headed to the park:

Tenley learned more about the letter 'W' and had her class Easter Egg Hunt:

(She insisted on wearing her bunny dress and fur vest to channel the Easter Bunny...)

Evie helped me practice my new choreo for class and was side-planking like a pro:

While the twins were at school Thursday morning, Tenley and I brought snacks and smoothies to the park for a little picnic:

Ev and Wes had so much fun at their class Easter Egg Hunt (Everly even learned how to do "bunny ears"...sort of!):

It was "Throwback Thursday" at Pure Barre and we channeled our inner 80's self and tucked to Journey and Eddie Money:

Wes insisted on wearing his superhero shirt Friday morning, while Ev insisted on looking like a Heinz add. We played outside with Pearl for hours. Ev kept breaking apart leaves to "feed" Pearly while Wes stayed busy with his Hot Wheels:

At school, Tenley painted an Easter egg with balloons and made a pretty daffodil:

Since the girls have 2 weeks off of dance, we wanted to do something fun as a family. The kids at school have been telling Tenley how much fun SeaQuest was, so we decided to check it out. The kids had a blast exploring the interactive aquarium and learning about the animals. They were so brave about touching and feeding the animals:
(She chose her outfit and said she wanted to look like she was going to a jungle. #nailedit)

(We told the kids to put in one piece of fish food at a time and Wes dumped this whole container in and said, "Well that's that!" and walked away.)

When we got home the kids had a surprise waiting from Grammy Sophie and they sure were excited:

The kids love their new flashing chicks:
(Thanks, Grammy Sophie!! We love and miss you SO much!!)

We went to The District Sunday for brunch, then headed to see the Easter Bunny. The kids were so excited and knocked on the door until he appeared. They were so excited and full of weird smiles:

(Wes thought he'd pick up the Easter decor and give it to the Easter Bunny...never a dull moment with these 3!)

Next week is Spring Break; which means no school for the kids and a reduced schedule for me! We're so excited to spend some quality time together for Easter!!

Until next time! :)

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