Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekly Update

Tenley and I did some Christmas shopping at The District:

When we got home T had some gifts from Grandma & Grandpa D to open up- these Disney ornaments that connect:

T has started to love baths again thanks to the Princess Bubble Bath that I bought:

We baked Mickey Mouse Christmas cookies...

...and T got to taste her very first cookie and it was a huge hit:

The sugar made for a pretty fun day:

She is obsessed with talking on my phone and in this picture it looks as if she's intensely saying, "Hold on... I'll be right there!":

She also loves to play with my hair (like at all times):

On Thursday, this big kid slept in...

...while St. Nick stopped by our house and left T a dollar and some awesome socks:

...Tenley was very curious about the dollar:

...then took off with it:

She has also recently started to undress herself during diaper changes:

She is in lurve with her new winter hat:

 She still loves chicken...

...and hiding her "food" in her kitchen:

 Ed worked doubles most of the week so Tenley and I went to dinner with Frannie, Matt and Chris. While I got ready Tenley thought she would do the laundry...

...after T finished the "laundry" she was finally ready to go:

...and Tenley entertained us all at BWW:

Since Sunday was Ed's only day off, he slept in while Tenley and I colored. Tenley ate more crayon than she got on the paper, but I'd still consider this her first "masterpiece":

When Ed woke up we ate Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies that Karina baked us and Tenley was practically begging for more. She is now a lil' cookie monster:
(Thanks, Karina!!)

We went to Town Square to see Santa and there was a 2 hour wait. Instead on walking around outside we put our name on the list and headed to the conservatory at the Bellagio to see their Christmas display and it did not disappoint...

...Tenley Bear even got to meet Polar Bears:

...T also got to see the Bellagio fountains for the first time:

We headed back to Town Square and waited in line for 45 min to see Santa...

When T was next in line she was bouncing up and down- so excited! She was even waving at him, but he wouldn't wave back at her or anything (even when the kids before us were done). They were so stiff (not fun and festive like they were last year). As soon as I moved close to Santa Tenley immediately clenched my arm and started signing for milk with her other hand and began to cry. I started to pass her off to him for that typically hilarious picture of baby crying in Santa's arms, but he said he couldn't "hold her". So the creeper with a handlebar stache hid behind us for a family photo:

Maybe we'll try it again somewhere that doesn't have such a long wait. Either way, my lil' chickie still looks adorable.

Until next time! :)

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