Baby cakes was still a little under the weather on Monday, but on Tuesday she started being her smiley/silly self again...
...goose even wore her bear's mullet wig:
Wednesdays are extremely long for me and I have to get creative towards the end of the day because I'm so I let Tenley put stickers all over our sliding glass doors:
I was finally starting to feel better, then I woke up with pink eye on Thursday. Luckily, it's not that big of a deal. Tenley was 100% back to her crazy self and had massive amounts of energy built up from the past week and a half of being sick.
She kept body slamming Minnie on the couch:
She forced Pearl to play with her ALL day:
She even ate this amazingly yummy and easy chicken I made, but silly girl would only eat it if she could use a fork instead of her fingers (such a big girl!!)... is the recipe if you are interested:
(I made it with wild rice and asparagus as the sides and I put the chicken on top of the rice- so yummy!)
To get out more of Tenley's energy we went to Barnes and Noble and let her run around and pick out books to read:
Tenley is getting really good at her shapes, fruits and house animals due to these awesome wood puzzles:
Tenley and Pearl were cuddle bugs:
We went to breakfast Saturday morning and Tenley had fun coloring:
After breakfast Tenley mailed her Valentines:
(I feel bad because I had this adorable Valentine's Day outfit to take pics of her in for her cards, but she was sick all week and I was sick as well so I never got around to taking new pics for her cards. So I apologize to our fam and her lil' pals!)
After breakfast we came home and had so much fun playing in the backyard...
...Tenley loved collecting leaves and putting them in her wagon:
...she continued to hide Pearl's toys and pull the wagon away from Pearl:
...she loved going down the slide:
...she had a ball on the swings with us:
...but her favorite part was playing in her clubhouse with Daddy:
...poor Pearl was so jealous of all the fun they were having: I put her up in the clubhouse, too! Then everyone was happy:
We went to Toys R Us that afternoon and Tenley made out with some cool new toys (as if she needs more). She was especially excited about her mega blocks...
...Daddy was pretty stoked, too:
She also got these cool alphabet magnets that you match the letter with a picture and those entertained her for awhile:
We ended the night with story time:
On Sunday Tenley had her first Girl Scout cookie- thin mint, of course:

(Obvi she loved them!!!!)
Once she was on a sugar high, she had fun knocking down my masterpiece:

(Obvi she loved them!!!!)
Once she was on a sugar high, she had fun knocking down my masterpiece:
Until next week! :)
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