Earlier in the week, Chelsea was telling me how her, Dust and the kids were going to take a spontaneous trip to Newport Beach in 3 days. I told her how we've been planning on going forever, but how Ed always backs out because he doesn't want to take off work. She then told me that they were leaving Saturday morning and coming home Sunday night and that we should join them...I was instantly in and so was Ed!
We woke up at 4am on Saturday, loaded up the car, woke Tenley up and were on the road by 4:20am. Tenley was so passed out when I woke her that I for sure thought she would be out again in no time, but she was too excited about the new scenery that she didn't fall asleep until 2 hours into our drive:
Miss Excited-Pants woke up after a 40 minute cat nap and practiced using her binoculars for whale watching:
As soon as we made it to Irvine, our first stop was Chick-fil-a...DUH!!!!:
After we filled up on some delicious chicken, we made it to the beach and got ready to crash some waves:
We could hardly hold Tenley back from running into the ocean. I have never seen her more excited in her life! She absolutely lovedddd it and Daddy was just as excited to have this experience with her:
(Heart. Exploding.)
Then it was my turn to take Tenley in the waves:
Tenley loved having her Daddy hold her in the waves and throw her in the air:
We had so much fun playing in the water with Tenley Bear:
We also had fun goofin' off with our friends:
After splashing in the ocean for a bit, we all took a break:
After some fuel, Tenley Bear quickly jumped in a hole that Ed was digging and began to bury herself:
Ellers kept saying, "Kelli bury me too" so I buried her little self and Tenley helped shovel sand on her:

After burying ourselves and making sand castles, Tenley was off to splash in the ocean again:
Ed had fun boogie boarding:
(Can you see him in the wave?)
Last time Ed and I were in Newport we found this ahh-mazing donut shop that we just had to stop at again:
Tenley slept in her stroller while we all ate lunch:
After a late lunch, we went back to our hotel to clean our sand covered selfs. Tenley loved our hotel room and had fun playing on the bed while we got ready for the night:
That night, we headed down to the Balboa Peninsula:
We went on our first ferris wheel ride and had a blast! Tenley was fascinated with the pretty views:
(Waving to Elle!)
After a late night bite to eat, we headed back to the hotel to get some sleep. I woke up to a text message from Chelsea saying they left treats on our door. I opened the door and found a bag of goodies with a sweet card from The Robbins. It was so sweet and unexpected. This was my favorite treat:
(Thanks guys!!)
Tenley ate Pringles in bed while we got ready for our last day in Newport:
Baby girl got a ride to the car from Daddy:
We went to a park right next to the pier, then walked to the edge of the pier to see if we could spot any whales:
We didn't spot any whales in the ocean, but on the way to Balboa Candy we spotted this big whale in an alley:
(I'm a bit obsessed with whales...)
Tenley went a little nuts at the candy store and loaded up her basket with more sugar than she'll ever eat in her lifetime:
Since it was chilly, we found these super cute beach cruisers and cruised up and down the boardwalk:
Elle kept saying she wanted to ride with Tenley Bear so Ed and I pushed the girls while they hugged and held hands:
Before hitting the road, we got some pasta and sat in the grass next to the beach, while listening to this man play music:
(I've never felt more at peace than at this moment - my fam, ocean breeze, music, and pasta - I was in heaven!!)
In between bites Tenley kept standing up to give her Daddy kisses:
Tenley was so exhausted for our trip that she passed out in the car before we even got off of Balboa Street:
Besides wanting to go to the beach, we also went on this quick trip to celebrate Dustin accepting a new job in Denver. Although our trip was super quick, it was worth it to see the excitement on the kids' faces when we were on the beach. We had such a blast in Newport with The Robbins. They are such amazing and fun people. It was the prefect farewell getaway. We're really going to miss each and every one of them. I guess our next couples trip will have to be to Denver!
Good luck guys...we love you!!
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