Swim lessons continued and Tenley did much better. She even went under the water 3 times:
Tenley took Princess Teddy for a ride in her Minnie Mouse car:
I had a much needed nail day:
We took T to Hidden Falls Park after dinner:
Tenley has been teething pretty badly and in the midst of her flailing around in bed, she popped me in the mouth and knocked out my tooth!! Once she woke up after her fit, I forgave her since she was being so darn cute:
We had to skip swim lessons due to my toothless face and Chelsea watched the bear while I went to the dentist. Tenley cried a lot while at Chelsea's and just wanted Chels to cuddle her:
Since Chels babysat for me, I wanted to do something nice in return so Ed and I brought The Robbins pizza and wings from Rosati's and brought sherbet for desert. After dinner, Chels and I hung out with the kids while the guys put up lights for their farewell party:

(Trying to get a good pic with three kiddos is next to impossible!)
(Someone was angry when their sherbet was gone...)
Lindsay and Isla came over for a play date and it really pooped Tenley out:
I got The Robbins a farewell gift for their party...a frame with a pic from our Cali trip and I made Chels coffee mugs so we could sip our coffee in the morning and think of each other:
We went to Run Plus Fun with The Robbins, then headed to Panera for lunch:
After a fun morning, Daddy came home from work and caught T and I napping together:
We spent Friday night at The Robbins Farewell Party- a movie under the stars theme:
We went to breakfast Saturday morning, then made our way to the movie theatre to see Monsters University. We all shared a large popcorn and Tenley was so excited through the previews. Unfortunately, she lost interest when the movie actually started because her buddy Sulley wasn't the main focus at first, then I think she was scared of the Dean. Although she only lasted 50 minutes we still had fun:
We played outside on Sunday because it was such a beautiful day. Tenley filled up her pool shortly after being outside and got her clothes soaked so she ended up playing in her birthday suit:
Until next week! :)
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