Tenley woke up sick on Monday morning- runny nose, cough, low grade fever...the whole shabang! Needless to say, she was NOT happy about it (me either sis, me either!):
While Tenley moped around the house, Wes' feet looked adorable while he slept:
Once the babies woke up they got in some exercise:
Wes cuddled up on me and maybe I'm biased, but I truly believe he is thee cutest sleeper. I mean, just look at those cheeks, those lips and those fingers:
Ed cuddled with his girls before bedtime:
The babies did their usual morning tummy time and even Tenley participated:
Lil' Moose Man was extra cuddly and wouldn't let me put him down:
After my man had his cuddle fix, I got in some cuddle time with Evie:
Tenley seemed to be feeling better because she actually wanted to get dressed and was dancing around in the dress she picked out:
I had my 6 week follow up with Dr. Adashek and, of course, we brought the babies to see the man (besides Ed) responsible for our big family. Everything was good and I was released to do all of my normal activities again...woo-hoo! Dr. Adashek and all of his amazing nurses were excited to see all three kids and wanted a picture with all of us (and obviously I did, too!):
Tenley was so tired from being sick/not napping that she passed out while twirling her hair on the car ride home:
Tenley went to bed right when we got home and the twins enjoyed their favorite time of day- bath time:
I just assumed T had the flu, but she started telling me her throat hurt and she was coughing non-stop. She seemed miserable and just wanted to sleep:
The babies were their happy selves:
Tenley was so miserable that she wouldn't let us take her temp and wouldn't take tylenol either. I managed to trick her by putting tylenol in a strawberry/banana smoothie. She loved her medicine smoothie and was even cheers-ing with us:
(I need to get a blender so I can make smoothies easier and incorporate more veggies into her diet. Anyone have any good smoothie recipes?)
Evie Cakes woke up in a good mood on Thursday:
The babies were extra tired and Tenley was super cranky. Every time the babies made a peep she would throw herself on the ground and have a fit- it was weird and not like her to be so jealous. She didn't want any of my attention off of her so she made sure she was apart of everything I did:
Later that night Ev dominated tummy time, while Wes couldn't be bothered with it:
I began to worry about Wes because he was so tired that he was lethargic:
Tenley had the worst night she's ever had. She threw up in her bed from coughing so badly and couldn't lay down without having a coughing fit. She was up every 15 minutes and finally fell asleep with her head at the end of the bed:
Ev woke up with a stuffy nose and Wes was coughing a lot and very sleepy:
Maryann dropped of these doTerra essential oils; which really seemed to help Tenley nap better:
(Thanks, Maryann!)
The kids were all coughing so horribly that I called their pediatrician and made an appointment for when Ed got off work. Moose Man was so out of it that he didn't even wake up for the appointment:
The nurse put Tenley on medication for croup since she is coughing so much around the babies, but said that hers should just need to run its course now. She said the babies had an upper respiratory infection and that Wes was having a hard time breathing. She ordered them to do breathing treatments every 4-6 hours. When we got home Wes was coughing so bad that he turned pale and stopped breathing. It was the scariest thing. Thank God Ed was there because he is very good under pressure, unlike me who just panics. After suctioning Wes' mouth out we started the breathing treatments:
(It shouldn't be possible for babies this tiny to get sick. It just shouldn't be.)
The breathing treatment knocked Ev out for the night:
Ed had to work Saturday morning so it was just me and the babes for a bit. Tenley was already feeling a little better from one dosage of her medicine so she played while I got lots of cuddles from the twins:
(Her lips though!!)
Then it was Daddy's turn to cuddle the twins:
I made lactation cookies for a friend and they were actually delicious:
(Recipe here- if you're not looking to lactate don't add brewer's yeast and use less oats.)
Grandma Ditata sent Wes a box of clothes and these monster jammies were probably my fav. I mean, look at the feet:
(Thanks, Grandma!)
We made Grammy Sophie's famous pierogies for dinner (and they were delish):
Until next week! :)