Evie bounced around in her jumper bright and early Monday morning:
Tenley had fun counting to ten and "blasting off!":
I made the babies homemade sweet potatoes and they weren't fans of that either:
Tenley's hair gets curlier and curlier every day; which just adds to her stunning looks:
The kids don't always play together nicely, but when they do it's magical (and Tenley always asks me to "take a pic-a-ture, mom-mee!" when she is playing nicely):
Tenley had came done with a cough and woke up feeling better Tuesday morning and was entertaining us all by singing and dancing up a storm:
Ev wasn't being her normal self and I wasn't sure what was wrong with her. She had a low grade fever off and on. Poor baby just wanted to sleep so I assumed it was teething:
Chelsea was in town from Denver so I took the kids to the M pool so we could all hang out and have some fun:
(Miss you guys already!!)
The kids piled up on Daddy's lap and watched Planes:
Tenley fed Evie her sweet potatoes for dinner and it was surprisingly the most she's ever ate:
Tenley put all her friends on her bean bag chair before bed time and made Daddy take a picture of them:
We discovered that Evie Cakes cut her first tooth- her bottom left tooth. My little sweetie was still all smiles, too (that explains the fevers):
Wes is really sitting up like a champ these days:
Tenley and I did puzzles while the twins napped and she surprised me by how much she was able to do on her own:
Ed and I finally set up the video monitor in the nursery and in order to keep the twins stationary we put them in their cribs and sure enough Tenley climbed right in to join them:
The twins both woke up really sick...whomp, whomp, whomp. Summer colds are the worst. The twins managed to still get in some play time while Tenley was lazy on the couch:
The girls were being silly when Daddy got home from work:
We gave sweet potatoes another try:
I received this awesome shirt in the mail from my father-in-law:
(Thanks Dad!!)
It rained Saturday and Wes loved watching the rain fall out the front window:
Tenley cuddled and watched movies with Daddy before bed:
Our Sunday started with wheelbarrel races and play time before heading to Reunion Trails for a bit:
Tenley is obsessed with the movie Epic and has perfected the Leafman battle stance:
I was able to catch a little clip of Wes crawling:
Since the babies were hating all the vegetables I've been making them I decided I'd give in and make them a fruit and figured they would love that. Wrong! Wes just pushed it away and Ev spit it out as soon as we put it in:
(I think I'll try solids again in another month...)
Bath time was full of adorableness, per usual:
After the babies went to bed it started to thunderstorm and Tenley really wanted to go see the rain. She wasn't a fan of the loud thunder, but loved touching the rain, running through it and watching it run down the wash in our backyard:
Update on my momma: she's doing great and getting good updates from her doctors AND she is finally back at home!!
(Love ya, mom!!)
Until next week! :)