Friday, July 25, 2014

Ev & Wes: 6 Month Recap

Can you believe its been half of a year since these cuties started melting my heart? I mean, I can't even look at their pictures without getting the biggest smile on my face. They're just the sweetest.

Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz (Birth: 6 lbs 13 oz) 
Height: 26 in (Birth: 19 in)
Clothing Size: 3-6 month
Diaper Size: 3

Ev is still her sweet little self. Some days I'm convinced she's not even real. The only time you'll hear excessive screams from her is when she is in the car. 90% of the time girlfriend starts to cry as soon as she is buckled into her car seat. She'll suddenly stop as soon as I climb into the back seat, then she instantly turns back into her smiley self. Her latest and greatest thing she learned this month is how to growl and it's pretty much the cutest thing ever because she has the sweetest grin on her face when she does it. She can sit up on her own, but she falls over pretty quickly. She can also get up on all fours, but just sticks her tush really high in the air. She is extremely good with her hands and will not hesitate to take something that she wants right out of your hands. She seems to be teething, but still hasn't cut any teeth. Although she is a great sleeper, she has been waking up super early (another sign of teething). I can't be mad when she wakes me up so early because she is always full of smiles and I love the little bit of alone time that we get together. 

Weight:  20 lbs 8 oz (Birth: 7 lbs 15 oz) 
Height:  29 in (Birth: 21.25 in)
Clothing Size: 9-12 month, but mostly 12 month
Diaper Size: 4

My big, BIG boy! He is growing so much that I've moved his bouncer to the highest setting. Big boy also cut his first tooth on June 16th- his bottom right tooth, then the overachiever had to show off and pop the bottom left one out within the next week, too. Thank goodness he cuts his teeth quickly because he is NOT a pleasant teether...I mean, cranky to the max, that boy. He is totally opposite of Evie. He is extremely high maintenance and is always voicing his opinion. Unlike Ev, pretty much the only time he is completely content is when he is in the car- big boy loves it. It's pretty much guaranteed that if we're driving for more than 10 minutes he'll be passed out when we arrive at our destination. He's also a happy boy when he's cruising around in his biggest sister's pink walker. He loves to creep around the corner and surprise me when I least expect it; which always cracks me up. He is absolutely fascinated with his hands; he lays there, waves them in front of his face and has the widest eyes the entire time. He sits up on his own a little better than Ev and he can get up on all fours like nobodies business. I'm actually surprised he isn't crawling by now because when he gets up on all fours he begins to rock like he is going to start crawling. He's started to do this thing when he's on all fours where he lunges himself forward twice and then face plants; which is totally one of those things that makes you laugh hysterically even though you know you shouldn't be laughing. He's got a bit of practicing to do, but it won't be long before he's crawling around like a mad man.   

The twins have experienced so many milestones this past month and are growing up so fast that it truly makes my heart ache. One major milestone they experienced this month was their first plane ride to Ohio. They got to meet all of their family from Ohio and absolutely loved them. Their second major milestone was that I made them homemade organic peas just before they turned 6 months old. Ev isn't too fond of solids just yet and Wes wasn't too sure about it at first either, but by the second day that chubby boy was swallowing like a total champ. We're totally not going to have problems feeding that boy. It makes me so sad to begin the "solids" phase because I know that this phase leads to the "weaning" phase; which leads to the toddler phase, etc. It's such a reality check for me that my babies are growing up and not going to be so dependent on me (ugh, just got teary eyed just typing that!). I really enjoy watching my babies grow and learn new things, but I just wish it didn't have to go so fast. I just wish I had more time to just stare at them and marvel in their beauty. 

Life feels so complete now that the twins are in it. Tenley has become the best big sister and I could watch her love on them all day. My absolute favorite part of the day is when Tenley wakes up and sees the babies, "Ooh, ooh Moosey up! Ooh Iggy uppy, too!" She gets so excited to run out and go give them kisses in the morning. It absolutely melts my heart to see how much she missed them throughout the night. It sure gets crazy around our house with three little ones, but I wouldn't change a single minute of it. I can't wait to see what this next month has in store for us!

Happy 6 month birthday, Everly and Wesley!!

(This picture killlllllls me.)

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