Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Weekly Update

Tenley is in a new "I'm too big for my bed" phase and in all honesty she is, but girlfriend is totally her momma's daughter and when she sees something she wants she doesn't stop until she gets it. She is dead set on getting this beautiful bunk bed she saw at Pottery Barn Kids because she is obsessed with having a ladder. Since it's unacceptable that her feet hang through the slats she has been putting off going to bed at night because her bed is just too small. We explained that her bed converts into a bigger bed and that if she is really good at keeping her pull-up dry at night (yes, she is potty trained, but still requires a pull-up at night) that we'll make it bigger and she was like, "buuuuuut there's no ladder..." She just killllls me. I can't even be mad because I could totally she myself saying something like that to Ed. I had to wake Tenley up for swim lessons Monday morning and she looked so comfy all curled up with all her friends (she's been asking for them again) in her "small" bed:

I also had to wake Moosey Man up Monday morning, too, and he was in a great mood:

Tenley had a blast at swim lessons, while Wes and Ev played on the slide, per usual:

It's very rare that all the kids sleep in these days so we celebrated by meeting the Medranos at Hidden Falls Park after Swim and Tenley was thrilled to see Addysen! Since swim has been consuming our lives it's been awhile since we've been to the park. I was amazed at how much the babies could do and how much Tenley could do, too! Tenley and Addy were pretty good on the monkey bars and the twins were climbing up and down everything. None of the kids shied away from the splash pad either. We had such a good time with Lyndsey and the kiddos:

(This is how she was waiting for me as I was unloading the twins from the car...I mean, 3 going on 13!)

Tenley continued to excel at swim, while the babes nearly give me heart attacks daily on the swing set. I literally walk back and forth from the stairs to the slide the entire time. I get an occasion break to visit Mr. Peach, Mrs. Limey and Kiwi and sometimes, like today, they decided to both want to swing together for 3 minutes:

For the second day in a row all the kids slept in so the Venturino gals came over for a play date after swim and the kids had such a blast while Karina and I put together our PLL theories (we're hooked!!):

Wes was back to his usual self and woke up at 5:20am on Wednesday. Since he was up so early I put him to work...he was in charge of dishes:

Tenley kicked butt at swim on Wednesday so I promised her we'd go home and have suckers to celebrate. I hate having candy in the house because she'll ask for it non-stop, so naturally I forgot that I threw the bag of suckers away. Somehow I scrounged up 2 suckers and a princess PEZ. Tenley obviously wanted the PEZ so it ended up working out perfectly. I never gave the twins suckers before because I was too worried they'd choke on them so this was their first time actually having a sucker and they were so stinking excited! Evie kept saying, "ooooh!!" and Wes was just completely silent; which is rare for that Chatty Cathy. They were in such awe of the taste that they both sat down to enjoy their made for the perfect picture and Tenley thought they were hilarious (then she stole Wes' sucker and he did NOT find that funny!):

(Side Note: my adorable and sweet mother-in-law sent me those flamingos all the way from Ohio because she knows flamingos are my fav!! Isn't that the sweetest?! My crazy Tenley Bear named them Ajax and Thumbelina [after her current fav movie]. My mother-in-law also has one at her house; which Tenley named Lemon-Hearts. We love them and they're the perfect addition to the kids' Tree House! Thanks!)

I can't believe how much progress Tenley has made after less than 3 weeks of swim lessons. She was absolutely terrified of the water on her first day and now she loves being in the water, knows how to find the edge and "monkey arm" her way to the steps and can even swim on her own for a few seconds. If you watch this video you'll see her swim alone for a little bit at the end:
(SO proud of her!!)

All the kids are in love with Winnie the Pooh, but Wes insists on napping and sleeping with "Boo" and it melts me:

In addition to the cool iron flamingos, my mother-in-law also sent Wes this kick ass hooded towel:

The twins were up to their usual antics at swim on Friday morning:

Ed's been having issues with his car and was supposed to go to his friend from work's house all evening to fix it so I gave the kids an early bath so I'd have an easier night. There's nothing sweeter than a squeaky clean baby in a hooded bath towel...well, except for 3 squeaky clean babes in hooded bath towels:

Turns out his friend's schedule changed and he couldn't work on his car until later in the evening so Ed just dropped it off and came home. Since he was home at his usual time I called and got Tenley in for a much needed haircut at Sharkey's Cuts for Kids. Tenley was so excited to sit in the pink Corvette and watch Thumbelina while getting her hair trimmed. She got her nails painted purple, picked a purple sucker and got a purple balloon for being such a good girl. I asked if I could take her picture with the big stuffed shark in front of the salon, but instead she insisted on taking a picture by the bear next door:

We ran errands Saturday morning and the kids had so much fun squeezing into the car cart:

While Wesley and Everly napped, I took Tenley to see the Minions with the Rices because Tenley really missed Isla while she was in "Blorda" with her mommy:

It rained off and on Saturday; which made for some awesome play weather! We had so much fun playing in the backyard and waving at the planes:

(Tenley spent about 45 minutes drawing "Chalk Tenley". I drew the outline and she accessorized her. If you look closely you'll see bracelets, necklaces, rings, purple shoes, a sparkle bow, earrings, blush, lipstick and "blackscara" [my personal favorite]. She was very proud of Chalk Tenley!)

These little monkeys woke up super early on Sunday and were so cranky from teething. It's been hard getting them to eat anything due to teething, but they did chomp on bananas for breakfast:

The twins took long naps and woke up a bit happier so we decided to take the kids to Cowabunga Bay since the weather was perfect. Tenley was so brave in the water this time. She was going down all the slides and didn't even need her floaties in the wave pool. Since Sunday was technically National Ice Cream Day we celebrated with our first Dippin' Dots experience; which was delicious. Tenley picked Rainbow Ice; which I'm certain that more ended up on the floor and her swimsuit than in her belly and I got Banana Split. It kind of tastes like bubble gum when you first bit it, then gets soft like ice cream...super yummy. We all had to wait until Tenley finished/dumped her whole cup:

(This is how she walks...struts like she's on a runway!)

Until next time! :)

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