Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weekly Update

When speaking to the twins, Tenley has been referring to herself as "momma TeeTee" and calling me their "grandma". This chick cracks me up! She's been taking her big sister duties pretty seriously lately. The kids have even been going to momma TeeTee to be soothed sometimes:

This week Tenley's been learning all about "Life in The Pond". They even had a pond in the class so they could get a hands-on lesson about ponds and all the critters that inhabit it. It's also been a review week so they brushed up on the letters they've been working on recently:

I took the kids to the park Tuesday morning and we ended up spending over two hours there. Tenley made a new friend and they all took turns riding her pink bike. Evie found these pea pods and the kids spent forever sitting under the big trees collecting pea pods and seeds. Then they would drop the seeds down the slide, one by one, and start collecting them all over again. It was such a great morning:

Wessie has had a bit of a runny nose this week; which I'm thinking is due to the bipolar weather we've been having. It seems to just be allergies because other than the runny nose he is himself- thank God. Needless to say, my little man just wanted to nap on me and I was more than happy to get extra cuddles from him:

The kids were all sorts of happy during bath time and it felt like we were in the Splash Zone at SeaWorld. The kids were making soap beards on Daddy and giggling non-stop:

Tenley was so excited for her first basketball practice Wednesday evening that she had to wear her new basketball shoes to school so she could tell everyone about how much faster they were going to make her run. Seeing her in those bball shoes pulled on my heartstrings as I've been waiting for this day forever! And course she chose to wear a dress with them:

While T was at school the twins and I played outside. They just wanted to be pushed on the swing the entire time and Wesley insisted on sitting on the big kid swing:

Keeping with the pond theme at school, Tenley practiced her math skills with little duckies:

I managed to get both babes down for naps Wednesday afternoon. I did not want to move from the bed because I was really loving the cuddles from my sweet babes:

We dropped Pearl off to be groomed earlier and the kids had a really hard time with it. Wes kept saying, "Miss. Puurl. Cut. New. Miss. Puurl." When Ed brought her home the kids were so excited to have their doggie back:

Tenley was so excited for basketball that she could hardly wait. Seeing her so excited for it made my heart so happy since I grew up playing and love the sport so much. Although she doesn't really understand the concept of basketball, her excitement for it excited me! She would not stop talking about it all day and had me cracking up every time. This convo is by far my favorite ever:

Tenley: I'm so excited for football today!
Me: You mean basketball?
Tenley: Yeah, I can't wait to score a goal.
Me: That's soccer.
Tenley: I know, I just love baseball!

Beings that Lindsay is the Head Coach and I'm the Assistant Coach we definitely have our work cut out for us! We had so much fun doing drills, dribbling, shooting and most importantly making memories with this cute bunch of kids:

We had a low-key Thursday. We chalked up the back patio and practiced our yoga moves:

Friday. Oh, Friday. You were so mean to me! The twins woke up full of piss and vinegar:

Since nothing was going to cheer them up, I cheered myself up by going to Target. I'm getting ready for my first ever Easter Egg Hunt and when I saw Bunny Big Ears (my aunt's traditional coveted prize) I got giddy and so excited for our Bunny Big Ears Easter Egg Hunt:

Tenley did more "Pond Life" crafts at school on Friday:

Tenley chose to skip dance class Saturday morning in lieu of going to the St. Patty's Day parade on Water Street. Ev had been screaming all morning and on the way there Ed had enough of it. He whipped the car around and said no one was going. I didn't want to punish Tenley and Wes for Ev's actions so Ed stuck to his guns and stayed home with Everly. I was bummed that we didn't get to go as a family, but we really need to start sticking with our punishments. Tenley and Wes had a blast and couldn't get enough of the Irish Bunny, Star Wars characters and classic cars:

I love street art and couldn't pass this awesome mural of Henderson on our walk back to the car:

Apparently Ev was thoroughly upset that I left her behind and threw a tantrum the entire time. Ed said he was bear hugging her in an attempt to keep her from banging her head on the floor, but she was relentless. When I saw her I felt so guilty for leaving her. She looked so awful and we just don't know how to handle this new behavior of hers:

We were tip-toeing around Ev all day, doing whatever she wanted as to not upset her. To keep Ev happy, we took the kids to the pond off of Stephanie to feed the duckies (taking the "Life in The Pond" theme seriously):

I rubbed lavender oil on Ev's forehead and she woke up looking a million times better. I really couldn't believe it! Just in time too because I had to leave her Sunday for a surprise brunch in honor of Courtney and baby Perry. Francesca and Stefanie pulled off the surprise and Court was in total shock. It was a beautiful day with lots of great gals:
(Can't wait to meet you, Perry Lou!!)

That evening Ed and I worked on our headstands. He thinks he's cool because he pulls it off without even trying, while I finally nailed mine for the first time:

Until next week! :)

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