Thursday, September 1, 2016

Weekly Update

Tenley has been asking to do gymnastics for awhile now. I finally gave in and took her to a trial class and she loved it! Last time we were at Gymcats I was 20 some weeks pregnant with the twins, got stuck in the foam pit and Tenley was a tiny baby that struggled focusing on one thing. Now she's this big girl who was scared of the huge warehouse building and nervous she wouldn't do well. Her nerves quickly disappeared when she saw how much fun the other kids were having inside. Her favorite part was bars, but was disappointed they didn't let her "go on the big bars and do flips". She was so brave and tried everything. I was so proud of her and her teacher said she did so well and was impressed with her cartwheel. While Tenley absolutely loved it, Ev couldn't stand that she wasn't allowed to go on the floor with Tenley. She cried the entire time and pouted by the door. The plan is to sign Tenley up for the class when Ev and Wes are in preschool in 2 weeks. I can't wait to get to watch her develop as a gymnast since it's so near to my heart:

We spent Wednesday morning playing outside in the beautiful weather:

I managed to get the twins down for a nap that afternoon; which is legit a miracle these days:

The Medrano's came over Thursday morning to play before our schedules got crazy with the kid's new school schedules. 

While I was at Pure Barre, Ed took the kids to Chilly Jilly'z for ice cream:

The kids, Princess Elena, Flynn Rider and I had a great Friday morning outside:

We took the kids to The Downtown Container Park Friday night for a change of scenery. I just love the downtown vibe (during the day, of course). We always take a walk to see the street art and actually saw two artists working on new wall pieces:

Can we talk about how perfect the twins Mr. & Mrs. Bones moccs are?! Our sweet friends at Freshly Picked sent them to us and they are just too perfect. They are also offering a free pair to one of my Instagram followers so check that out! Thanks FP- the kids love them and love counting the bones:

We took the kids to 'Sweet Spot Candy Shop' where they loaded up on sugar:

After they got their sweet fix we went to 'Reptiles and Reefs', then headed to the playground to work off all their extra energy:

Evie was terrified of the zombie on the hotel by our car so she clung to Daddy for dear life on the walk back to our car:

I got my butt kicked at Pure Barre Saturday morning and I loved every second of it:

Evie did great at dance class Saturday morning and was even Line Leader for the first time:

Next up, was Tenley's dance class and it just so happened that her and Isla had on matching ripped tights:

Evie was having a tantrum and while running into the room to calm her down, I jammed my right foot on the door frame. I instantly fell over and started screaming. I knew I broke it. It instantly swelled and bruised like a SOB:

The Espejo crew came over for dinner Saturday night and we had a blast hanging out while the kiddos played up a storm:

I modified my Pure Barre workout Sunday morning because I was unable to put any pressure on my stupid foot. I was pretty much out of commission and the kids loved the extra Daddy time:

We had Cam Cam's 3rd birthday party Sunday afternoon and the kids had a blast (and so did the adults)! The kids loved the super hero theme in the party room. We had so much fun celebrating the Birthday Boy:

(Wes had a hard time leaving this Jumbo Hulk behind...he literally guarded and hugged him the entire time!)

(Happy birthday, Cam! We love you buddy!)

Until next time! :)

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