Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekly Update

Tenley is one strong willed girl. Luckily, she has really good taste because she never lets me pick her clothes anymore. We recently went back-to-school shopping at The Gap and girlfriend wouldn't let me pick any of her clothes (thank goodness the twins aren't this extreme yet). She picked some really cute things for school including this pencil shirt that says, "always on point" and she had to have these heart sparkly shoes. She looked adorable for her first full week of school:

She absolutely loves the drop-off line at school. The kids all climb in the front seat and yell at each other out the window. Her and Fable were cracking me up with their conversation:

After drop-off, I got the kids dressed in their Steelers gear for the first game of the season. They looked freaking adorable and were so lovey dovey without Tenley around; which totally made me feel like the third wheel:

Wes took Ev for a stroll in the Benz and they had a blast playing together outside:

While doing laundry and getting lunches ready Ev took some clothes, swaddled her little baby and came in the kitchen shushing and bouncing her baby. She is seriously so sweet:

When I picked Tenley up from school, Miss Marsha told me that she can't believe how big Tenley is and how helpful she's been in class. I was so proud that I welled up with tears as I pulled away. Tenley got some homework and showed me the apple she made at school as she bragged about how well she helped clean up after herself:

Tenley is going to be that girl who has a wedding binder of ideas for her future wedding. She literally talks about it every day...Ev, Isla, Addy, Sofia and Fable are going to be in her wedding and wear dresses that look like their favorite Disney characters, I'm going to be her Flower Girl, her dress is going to be lacey and have teal around the neckline, she's going to wear pale pink high heels, she doesn't want a veil (only a crown) and she really wants to marry Wesley (even after explaining to her that this isn't an option). She has been asking to try my dress on for weeks, but apparently Monday was "her wedding day" and she needed to wear my dress for the big day. She loved putting on my dress and walking around the house:

Tenley and I had such a fun day while the twins were in school on Tuesday. We met the Venturino gals at the park and were there for almost 3 hours! The girls had so much fun swinging in the shade, climbing trees, running around barefoot in the grass and playing "trolls" on the bridge:

Wes and Ev were also excited to show me their "a" apples that they made at school:

It was back to school for Tenley Wednesday morning:

Tenley and I are really enjoying our alone time now that Ev and Wes are in school 2 days a week. I'm really savoring it since next year she'll be in all day Kindergarten. Us girls met Linds and Brit at our favorite coffee shop- Grouchy John's (if you've never tried it, you must!). The kids had fun playing board games and eating donuts, while us moms sipped coffee and planned our purchases for the latest June & January drop (we're kind of fanatics):

Ev and Wes were pretty stoked about the airplane craft they did at school:

This week has been all about the letter 'A' at school and Tenley made sure to represent on Friday:

Ev and Wes played so sweetly Friday morning before we headed out for our weekly errands:

For the first time ALL week the twins napped together and I got a few minutes of peace and quiet:

People are always asking what the twins need for holidays or birthdays and I always say nothing because something as small as a lollipop will blow their minds. Aunt Julie sent them early Halloween packages full of gel clings, candy buttons and a was the equivalent of an adult receiving a card full of money. They went nuts:

(Thanks so much, Aunt Jul! We miss and love you so much!!)

Ev has been sneaking into our bed every night. We don't mind because she literally takes up as much room as Pearl. I truly think she's never going to move out of the house because she loves me so much. She is such a little sweetheart and we love getting cuddles from her throughout the night. Ed especially loves it because he rarely gets snuggles from her. The two of them slept in super late Saturday morning and I eventually had to quietly wake Ed up so I could go to Barre:

I went straight to Ev's dance class after Barre and she did so well. Baby girl is a Dancing Queen:

Tenley has been in a funk at dance class due to the time, but she actually listened and had a great class:

We couldn't be more excited for Fall and have even started decorating pumpkins:

Sunday was a total blur for me. The only time I felt like I was doing something right was when I was at Pure Barre. The kids came down with colds and I'm trying to be considerate for how they're feeling, but they are being awful! The crying, fighting, whining just got to me today. It was non-stop and nothing I did helped. We put the kids in bed before 7pm and they went right to sleep so I'm hoping everyone wakes up feeling slightly better and less cranky. They went from being so good to so awful so I know they really aren't feeling good and I hope it passes soon. Send some good vibes our way...we need it!!

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