Monday, October 17, 2016

Weekly Update

Tenley has had her Halloween costume planned since last Halloween (and has it planned for the next 3 years) so her costume has been ready for what seems like forever. I could not nail down what the twins were going to be for the life of me. Life has been absolutely crazy with having 2 jobs so I put the twin's costumes on the back burner and started to panic on Monday when I saw that pretty much everything in their size was sold out online. In a last minute effort to find something easy, we headed to Party City while T was in school. We didn't find any costumes, but we did get all of Tenley's birthday party decorations and managed to have some fun, too:

Ev has been full of piss and vinegar recently. The littlest thing will set her off and there's absolutely no stopping her until she comes out of it. She goes from banging her head to being the sweetest girl; she's a tough nut to crack:

She went from banging her head to being an amazing sister by helping Wes put on his helmet. I was making lunch in the kitchen and saw it out the window- it was the sweetest thing. Then I yelled outside that they had 5 more minutes to play before we had to go pick up Tenley and Wes shouted back, "No danks, Mommy! We stay here, you go by yo-self.":

This week is review week at school and Tenley loved it because they sang lots of Halloween songs (holidays really are her jam). She came home and said, "Mommy, I have a confession. I pulled off a spider from your banner." She thought it was hilarious to sneak it by my feet while I pretended to be terrified. She kept singing, "there's a spider on my head, on my head." Her giggles get me every time:

(This picture KILLS me.)

Tenley and I had a great Tuesday morning while the littles were in school. We played at the park, then went and got our nails done together for the first time ever. She was in heaven and kept asking me if she got to get her nails done everyday now since she's almost 5. I'm really enjoying our time together before she goes off to Kinder next year:

Wes has had a hard time saying goodbye to me before school, but he always calms down in minutes and leaves saying how much fun he had. I love seeing their crafts, even if they don't quite understand what they're doing yet:

Tuesday night was rough with the twins. They took turns waking up throughout the night and were screaming bloody murder for no reason. I was up early getting T ready for school while they slept and I actually had to wake them up...must be nice:

The twins were so talkative after we dropped Tenley off at school. My cousins have been asking me for a video of them chatting so I set my phone up to tape them while we drove to the park. I could listen to them talk all day:

The kids had so much fun at the park. They loved exploring a new park and their smiles made me forget that I didn't get any sleep the night before:

And I'm sorry, but I took a million pictures of them and am posting them all because their smiles melt me:

(Isn't it creepy how similar they look here?!)

Tenley had fun at school, per usual. They learned about their 5 senses and more about Fall:

Tenley and I spent the morning at the park with the Rice girls and there's something about time with Lindsay that is truly good for my soul. Seeing her be a mom is so inspirational and the bond that our kids have is priceless. We always have the best time with them:

Ev and Wes' pumpkins from school on Thursday were crackin' me up:

Tenley was so excited for school the following day and said, "can I whisper something in your ear, mom?" I obliged, of course, and she whispered, "I'm going to kiss Jackson at school tomorrow." This is her first real crush on a boy and I find it so cute, but Ed hates it. Tenley has been insisting we have a play date with Jackson and I keep telling her that I don't know his parents so I was dying when she came out of school one day and said, "I invited Jackson over for a sleepover. His parents are John and Stevie and I told him we live on 123 Street." I was dying! She was so excited to show him her cat outfit at school on Friday, but he wasn't there unfortunately. She looked so cute and was so excited to dress like a kitty:

We were having such a good Friday morning until the man at Costco drew a red smiley face on our receipt instead of Ev's favorite color:

(These are the types of pics I send Ed during the day. Nothing else I could do besides laugh.)

She finally calmed down in enough time to pick up Tenley from school. Since Jackson wasn't there she must've had time to focus on her projects because she drew an amazing picture of the Solar System, colored a tree and got a picture from Fable:
(I'm the mermaid on the bottom with blue boobs.)

I took Friday off from practicing teaching and we took the kids to the pumpkin patch. We had so much fun and seeing them going on all the rides alone made me realize just how big they really are. Wes loved chucking pumpkins and throwing mulch at us- he is such a boy! And the girls could've spun on the rides all night, if we let them. I couldn't help but laugh when all the cute families were taking these adorable pictures of their kids, while ours wouldn't be caught dead smiling at the same time. Trying to even get them in the same shot is a task in itself. They may be crazy, but they're ours:

Little Miss Fussypants had another episode after the pumpkin patch (not napping anymore has been really difficult for everyone) and missed out on a pretty epic bubble beard contest:

Evie did so well at dance and made some new friends, while Tenley discovered selfies:

Tenley's class is a little bit more technical this year. Miss Cherity has started singling the girls out and going through moves with them while the other girls watch. It's nice to see them learning the proper names and techniques while still having so much fun! They've already started to practice their Winter Recital routine and Tenley loves it (because she loves all things Christmas). I can not wait to see these girls up on stage together again:

I've been going to Barre before the sun even rises to practice teaching and it's been exhausting. I've been practicing, studying during the day, then working my other job at night (at least I get to do that while I lay in bed). I've felt as if I were drowning all week, but I know it won't be like this for long and it will be SO worth it:

We had Sofia's 5th birthday party Sunday afternoon; which was so much fun!! It blows my mind that she is 5 already. I remember meeting her mommy in our Hypnobirthing class and realizing that we had mutual friends in common and have been close ever since. She gets me and I'm so lucky to have her (and her fam) in my life. Our kids get along so well and we love each other to pieces! Celebrating sweet Sofia was the best way to spend our Sunday. Plus, Ruben's Wood Craft and Toys was a blast:

(Tenley gave Lindsay a list of toys she wants for her birthday...girlfriend is obsessed with all things Ever After High!)

(Happy birthday, Sofia!! We love you SO much!!)

Until next time! :)

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