It felt so good to be back into my normal routine with the kids on Monday. They all woke up super happy to see me; which made my heart very happy:
While Tenley was off at school learning about the letter 'D' these two made sure I didn't get any work done all morning (fine by me, kiddos!):
Nothing says, "Welcome home, mom!" Like two girls throwing up in the middle of the night, one in their bed and one on my pillow. Tenley was herself in no time, but Ev just wanted to be cuddled, until a Band-Aid on her belly miraculously healed her:
Since the girls had a rough night, I gave them an early bubble bath to make sure they were squeaky clean:
(Can you believe how long her hair is when it's wet?!)
After a nice warm bubble bath, I was for sure the kids would all nap (especially the girls since they had a rough night and were still moping around). Nope, only Wes:
I kept Tenley home from school on Wednesday because I just wasn't sure if she was 100% better. She was mad for a hot minute, but Pearl quickly cheered her up:
I came across this note on my dashboard while taking the twins to school:
(How did I get so lucky?)
Since Ev was better and Wes wasn't sick, Tenley and I dropped them off at school and had some amazing alone time. We went to the park, swung on the swings, played my favorite childhood game- lava (remember pretending the ground was lava and you couldn't step on it?), visited Karina and the girls, then headed to the studio for some practice:
Ev and Wes were so talkative after school Thursday morning. They learned about the letter 'D' and told me that they sang the 'Looking for Dracula' song and kept putting on their binoculars to find him:
No one wanted to nap for me on Thursday so I didn't fight it, then Tenley came out of her room and told me she put Evie down for a nap:
Ed has been wanting to try Pure Barre since I'm obsessed. Karina offered to watch the kids so we could have a date night at the barre. He totally liked it and said he can see why it changes bodies so quickly. I'm so glad I have such a supportive husband and that he's happy to go with me since he knows I love it so much. Good job, Ed:
I don't know why, but I assumed the girls ate something that made them sick since Wes hadn't caught it yet. Turns out I was wrong, it was a stomach bug and it hit Wes like a ton of bricks early Friday morning. He'd say things like, "I drew up on my shirt, mommy." "Why me belly hurtin', mommy?" and it was heartbreaking. Seeing him crouched over the toilet was heartbreaking, not just because he was sick, but because he is old enough to tell me he was going to throw up and actually go to the toilet! Poor boy fell asleep playing with Buzz on the couch right before we had to go pick up T (go figure!):
I went to Pure Barre Friday afternoon and the kids were so excited to see me; which is truly the icing on the cake of leaving the house to workout:
Poor Wessie was so exhausted Friday night that he fell asleep on the couch around 6pm. He looked like such a angel that I just wanted to squeeze him:
Good news is Wes woke up much better Saturday morning! I still skipped barre Saturday morning so I could take Ev to dance by herself while Wes relaxed at home with Tenley and daddy. Ev was so excited for dance and did so well. You can just tell that she loves it so much; which makes watching her so sweet:
I can literally watch her dance ALL day:
Tenley's class started learning their Winter Recital routine and she is so excited to do it again this year:
I started my Sunday morning at Pure Barre Henderson's pop-up class in Inspirada. The weather was gorgeous and it was a great way to start the day:
After class, we quickly made our way to Gilcrease Orchard. Lindsay told me you have to be there right when they opened to avoid the lines and man was she right! It was our first time there and Lindsay always raves about their fried apple donuts so, of course, we had to try those first. We waited in line for over 30 minutes and they were actually worth it. The kids also insisted on getting candy apples, but only ate the caramel. Once we had our snacks, we made our way to the pumpkin patch and the line to purchase pumpkins was so long and slow that we just turned around and left. It was so hot that the kids were melting and could care less about picking out pumpkins. Although we didn't leave with pumpkins, the kids left with smiles and sugar induced comas:
(Love how only the caramel is gone.)
That's a wrap on this week! :)
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