Ed was off on Monday since it was considered a holiday for New Years and Ev was thrilled to have Daddy home for another day:
(This freaking kid.)
We went to Dave & Busters that afternoon and had fun playing arcade games with the kiddos:
I spent Tuesday morning doing laundry and packing for our trip to Denver. Then, I had a work meeting followed by a killer workout sesh with the most beautiful gals:
While Ed and I kicked off our first ever solo trip together early Wednesday morning; Grammy was filling in like a pro, passing around cuddles, playing and taking T to school:
As soon as we landed, the clouds began to dump snow. Our Uber driver informed us that we had just arrived for their biggest snowfall of the year- just our luck! Good thing we were prepared and didn't mind the peaceful snow at all:
The Mariott upgraded us to a corner suite and it was literally as big as our house. We had a cozy living room with the most amazing views of Downtown Denver:
After taking a breather in our room, we headed out to explore the 16th Street Mall. There was cool and colorful art in every alley and I loved it:
We walked and walked, just taking it all in. The city is stunning, but our legs began to freeze ('cause our blood is thin from the Vegas heat) so we stayed warm in a movie theatre. It was so nice to have no where to be and so nice to just pop in a movie theatre and say, "I wanted to see 'Why Him'; let's go!" It felt good to be "free" together again:
While we were enjoying a movie, the kids had a blast playing at their cousins house:
Wednesday evening, Chelsea and the kids picked us up. We went to one of their favorite desert places- 'D Bar'. We had macaroons, red velvet cupcakes, chocolate cake, lemon meringue and fried churros with carmel dip. It was beyond yummy and even better to share it with people we love:
After getting "home" from dinner, we enjoyed the view from our room. The city looked so magical with it's snow covered streets and Christmas lights twinkling:
I turned 30 at 2:22am and woke up to a white mocha from Starbucks and my hubby standing with a dozen roses:
I didn't plan on FaceTiming with the kids because it completely broke Ev's heart last time I was here for work. I woke up missing the kids though, so while the twins were in school reviewing 'I, J, K, L', I FaceTimed Tenley and her face lit up like a Christmas tree! She sang 'Happy Birthday' to me and made my day:
Then the lucky little gal got Grammy and Pop Pop all to herself at the park:
After getting my little Tenley Bear fix, we bundled up and made our way to 'Syrup' where I treated myself to the most delicious "Foster Pancakes":
After breakfast, we attempted to walk off all of the syrup we consumed and came across some beautiful buildings:
We trekked through the snow for what seemed like hours, then headed back to the hotel for a well deserved nap. After waking up, I had to FaceTime ALL the kids. Seeing their little faces and hearing that they were having fun made me feel so much better:
We got ready to head out to celebrate my birthday and luckily the wind stopped so we got to enjoy our walk to dinner:
We went to dinner at 'Osteria Marco' and had the most delicious rotisserie chicken chopped salad, prosciutto pizza and lots of wine. Even though we were sitting at the bar, it felt so romantic to be in a basement that had walls covered in wine bottles, holding hands and sharing dinner plates:
After dinner, we walked to the Pepsi Center for some more fun. We bought tickets to see the Nuggets play the Spurs. I've never been to a live NBA game and even though it wasn't the Cavs, we had so much fun rooting for the Spurs, eating nachos and pretzels:
After watching the Spurs defeat the Denver Nuggets, we walked to Union Station:
The kids kinda celebrated my birthday, too, since Grammy and Pop Pop took them out for ice cream and made cupcakes with them (and you know they tasted them, too!):
Friday morning was full of cuddles and play time with Grammy, while Ed and I were getting in our last bit of sight-seeing Downtown:
Tenley had school Friday morning and worked on her time telling skills. She also got a progress report and got an 'M' for every category, meaning she "meets expectations":
We packed up our bags and got ready to spend the rest of our time in Colorado with the Robbins crew. Before leaving the hotel, we FaceTimed the kids and they were so excited to hear that we'd be home later:
After FaceTiming, the kids headed to an indoor play place with Grammy and Pop Pop:
Chelsea picked us up and took us to their favorite breakfast spot- 'Snooze'. I always like to try different things while on vacation so I went with their breakfast pot pie and O-M-G! Here I thought it couldn't get any better than 'Syrup'; but it was definitely the best breakfast ever. Plus, the amazing company didn't hurt:
After brunch, we made our way to the Robbin's house. The whole area was beautiful and I loved being able to see where Chelsea lives. It's one thing to FaceTime with someone, but actually being able to see where they live and the places they frequent is so special:
We all took Hunter for a walk and had the most beautiful views on our walk:
My mother-in-law sent me this picture saying the kids were ready for us to be home:
Ed and I had such a great trip together. Not having a plan and just going with the flow was exactly what we needed! It was so nice to walk hand-in-hand and have conversations about our future and goals together. It was also so refreshing to be with Chelsea and her family. There's just something about them that is so welcoming and loving. I loved playing with the kids and getting in some friend time. I missed having the kids around for my actual birthday, but my mother-in-law made our coming home so special. I knocked on the front door and the kids came running to the door singing 'Happy Birthday' while my mother-in-law lit the candles on the cupcakes they made together. It was the perfect way to end my birthday trip:
(Thanks, mom!!)
Saturday was back to our normal routine. We went to watch Evie dance and she was so happy to be back after a few weeks off due to Christmas and New Years:
My mother-in-law took Tenley to dance so I could memorize the class I had to teach that afternoon:
While I taught, Ev fell asleep watching the iPad in our bed:
After class, I ran errands to get everything ready for the twin's birthday party. They were so excited for their party:
Ev and Wes had so much fun at their 3rd birthday party Sunday morning! After the party, we came home and opened their presents:
(Thanks for all the gifts guys!! They are truly spoiled!!)
We went to Ventano's for dinner and the birthday kids chowed down on mac n cheese and bowls of ice cream (and butter...because that's normal, Tenley!):
The birthday celebration continued with more presents when we got home. The kid's came home to boxes and cards from everyone in Ohio; which made them feel extremely loved:
(Thanks to everyone back home for thinking of them!! We love you all!)
Once all the presents were opened, the kids got in more time with Grammy and Pop Pop since they were headed home the next day:
What a busy week! Our week was full of love from family and friends; which makes us feel so loved. We are truly blessed!
Until next week! :)
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