Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Weekly Update

Please forgive me, I've been slacking on photos recently. Turns out when I don't have to get the kids ready for school we all turn into sloppy jalopies. We went to drop Pearl off at the groomers Monday morning and Ev threw up all over us, thus taking the sloppy jalopy look to a whole new level. On the plus side, she was super cuddly the entire day:

Tenley always has such a hard time leaving Pearl at the groomers and was so stinking excited when she came home:

Uncle Mike and Jolynn sent the kids snowman suckers for Christmas and the kids loved them:

(Thanks, Uncle Mike and Jolynn!! We love you!!)

Tuesday was Grandma Cath's birthday and the kids were so excited to sing 'Happy Birthday' to her:
(Happy birthday, Mom!! We love you so, SO much!)

Ev likes to steal my phone and take selfies. These ones gave me a good laugh when I found them on my phone:

We met Tenley's boyfriend, Jackson, at the park and Wes loved playing with him and his brother. Tenley was on day 2 of having a bladder infection so she wasn't playing very much and Wes took advantage of the extra boy time:

We spent our Friday morning at Costco. After not going for 2 weeks, we needed so much! So much that they felt bad for me and walked a second cart out to our car and even loaded it for me while I got the kids in:

After teaching a class New Years Eve morning, I came home and snuggled Evie on the couch:

We had a super low-key New Years Eve celebration with the kids Saturday evening since I had work in the morning. The noise makers made it a-okay for them:

I came home from work Sunday to more snuggles from Ev- she's the cuddliest:

The kids got ready to celebrate New Years day with Grammy and Pop Pop and were so excited to see them:

That night Grammy and Pop Pop watched the kids because Linds had a surprise date night for my upcoming 30th birthday planned for us:

Linds and Mase took us to Geisha House and it was so delicious:

After dinner, we went bowling and had a blast (sash and all- thanks Linds!). I usually suck so bad at bowling, but I surprised myself by getting my first ever turkey, but still sucked compared to the pro bowler, Mason:

(Linds, you're the closest thing I've ever had to a sister and I'm SO grateful for you. Love your face so freaking much!)

We started our New Year with friends, family and so many great memories already! I have a feeling 2017 is going to be an amazing year! 

This year my goals are to stay focused on making MYSELF better in every way:

Happy New Year, everyone!! :)

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