Grammy and Pop Pop left Monday morning so we only got a few hours with them beforehand. All of the kids had a hard time with it, but Tenley always takes it the worst. While T was at school, the twins made sure they got in plenty of snuggles and blew lots of kisses as they left:
It's always crazy busy when they're here, but the second they leave we wish they had never left! When I picked Tenley up from school, she told me she was having a bad morning and that her teachers gave her extra hugs to cheer her up. They are seriously the sweetest women and I'm so glad they are such a good influence on my kids. This week they are learning about the letter 'M', January and winter. They made a 'm' monkey, matched numbers for the month of January and sipped on hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows:
Last week Tenley got a progress report from school and she got all 'M''s for 'meets expectations'. I was actually surprised she didn't get some 'E''s for 'exceeds expectations' because when it comes to singing and dancing girlfriend does not hold back, but it's funny how different kids are when you are not around. The twins got their reports Tuesday and I was not surprised at all...lots of 'M''s and 'N''s for 'needs work'. I know they are a bit more shy and still learning all their letters and songs, but it was no surprise that Ev needs work on following instructions and listening. Girlfriend is so stubborn and it's no surprise that Wessie boy follows instructions. It's crazy how all three of my kids are completely different, but it sure makes life interesting:
They also celebrated the twins birthday at school on Tuesday. They were pretty stoked about their birthday crowns that Miss Susan made them:
The twins and I went to Costco while Tenley was in school Wednesday and I admired Wes' lashes while we waited to check out:
Tenley continued learning about the letter 'M' and Arctic Animals:
She also came home with a picture from her boyfriend, Jackson, and was so smitten with it:
The twins worked on their 'M''s Thursday and did a pretty good job:
Ev and Wes got gift cards to Barnes and Noble from Sandi for their birthday and since it was a rainy morning, we spent the morning shopping at Barnes and Noble. The kids picked out lots of books, Ev insisted on buying a small piano and Wes picked out two Imaginext Superhero toys:
Tenley was so proud of the snowflake she made at school and I loved the pic she drew of herself, daddy and I:
Ev had a MASSIVE meltdown when we got home. She was so upset that Tenley got out of the car before her that she refused to get out of the car. She stayed in the car, screaming for at least 30 minutes. She was so upset that she was foaming from the mouth and spitting it all over the car. I finally got her out of the car and put her in her room to cool off, but she was kicking the door and banging her head. I went in there to try to hug her and talk to her, but nothing was getting through to her. She threw her piano at me, ripped the door stopper off the wall and threw that at me, too! She was seeing red. I couldn't even be mad because it was so over the top that I couldn't help but laugh. I had the idea of putting everyone back in the car and letting the Queen exit first and she liked the idea. I got everyone buckled in their seats, then let Ev out first. She perked right up and even let Tenley close enough to hug her:
After all of that, she passed out in T's bed:
While I worked Saturday morning, Ed took all the kids to Ev's dance class. I'm so glad he is so supportive of me working and doesn't mind stepping in to do the kid's activities because this girl would be devastated without dance:
After teaching, I came home and picked T up for her dance class. The class was so cute because they got super technical this week. I was cracking up watching Tenley go down towards her heels because she was pushing her little butt out (if that were a client in my Pure Barre class, you know I'd be behind them straightening that back!). I love seeing the girls' technique grow each week:
When we got home, Daddy was teaching Wes how to use his Lightening McQueen remote control car and they were having a blast together:
I taught again in the afternoon and Evie Cakes rested while I was gone:
It was drizzling all morning and when I left work there was such a beautiful rainbow outside (actually a double rainbow, but the second one was super faint):
Ev wasn't feeling too good when I got home. She had a bit of a runny nose and was super whiney. She perked up after a warm shower and some pink lipgloss:
We spent our Saturday night being super lazy and just enjoying time with the kids:
Sunday was no different. The kids were being so good and playing so well together that we didn't want to disrupt the peace by trying to go do something. We continued the laziness and had such a great Sunday watching football and cuddling:
The kids have been learning about Martin Luther King Jr. at school and they have been asking so many questions about him. Tenley thought he was equivalent to God since we celebrate his birthday even though he is in Heaven, just like God. I tried explaining to her that we celebrate his birthday because he had a major role, if not thee most important role, in civil rights. I explained how he wanted to spread the word that everyone is equal. She explained how they learned at school that, "it doesn't matter if you're black, white, yellow, blue or brown." Him being in Heaven brought up more questions about Heaven or "Kevin" as Wes calls it. It's so funny to see life through their minds:
("He's in the sky, bro!"...I mean, I can't!)
Until next time! :)
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